"My best friend Valentina Ramirez has been relentlessly tapping my shoulder for the past three minutes and forty-seven seconds."
"My best friend Valentina Ramirez has been relentlessly tapping my shoulder for the past three minutes and forty-seven seconds."
Thank you so much for the #jolabokaflodswap @LMJenkins !! I‘m glad to add another frequently banned book to my shelf! I love that the colors of the candy wrappers sort of match the book cover ☺️
And thanks @MaleficentBookDragon for hosting this amazing swap once again!
An eye-opening and vulnerable sharing of the author‘s coming-out story as non-binary, in a culture that still is largely fixated on people identifying as one gender or the other, even if they are LGBT. I particularly appreciated the author‘s emergence reflected in varying responses of friends and family and ongoing fear of coming out and how to articulate it. I could also appreciate the extreme pain of a Pap test! #Nonfiction2024 #Genderqueer
Thanks everyone for the helpful suggestions for ways to make these tiny books turn out better! I realized I could post a picture showing off the books themselves. I made two copies of each book as an experiment, one with small versions of the existing book pages and one with book info to be a book recommendation. I'll probably only do the version that can be a recommendation instead of the small pages version moving forward. #LitsyCrafters
This is a book that will stick with me for a while. I was introduced to several new-to-me concepts that are interesting to consider:
Terms like chrononormativity and frigidity
That asexuals are often assumed homosexual (if you're not in a hetero relationship, you must be hiding a same-sex one), because lack of desire is not valid. This thinking has been applied posthumously to both Langston Hughes and Octavia E. Butler, among others. ⤵️
This book is a great coming of age graphic novel that can be used for middle aged students to show they are not alone