#currentlyreading #preview #loveozya #aprilrso2020 my family tree book with my bonsai that is growing out of control. I loved this author‘s first YA novel, P is for Pearl, so I am excited to read this one.
#currentlyreading #preview #loveozya #aprilrso2020 my family tree book with my bonsai that is growing out of control. I loved this author‘s first YA novel, P is for Pearl, so I am excited to read this one.
A book set in the desert, deserves a #desertrose 🌷 tiny though it be. #currentlyreading #preview for Oz #aprilrso2020 #healthoftheplanet #multiplechemicalsensitivity #gogaia
A high fantasy based on The Goose Girl. It‘s thick! #currentlyreading #preview #aprilrso2020 #yafantasy #fairyretelling
#currentlyreading #preview #aprilrso2020 #ukya #historical #diversity This is a hip hop artist and entrepreneur. Should be an interesting read.
Oh no, it‘s back to school day after 6 weeks at home. #notready But I have this pretty book #currentlyready #preview #aprilrso2020 #family #humour #resilience Plus #minatureroses
Book tagged is this author‘s last book. This one pictured isn‘t on Litsy yet. #currentlyreading #preview #aprilrso2020 #loveozya #middlefiction #mystery #family #identity Plus #succulentflowers
A small #tbrpile for #aprilrso2020 some are already out internationally, but will be out in 🇦🇺 in April. Some YA and some MG. #readingpile