I have a #constantcraving for books. Yes, this is my dining room table. No, I have not used this for anything but books in about two years. #TimbitTunes
I have a #constantcraving for books. Yes, this is my dining room table. No, I have not used this for anything but books in about two years. #TimbitTunes
Here is the wall underneath the windows in my book room. I know I could probably put a couple three shelf bookcases here in this space, but I just really love the way these particular books look stacked-especially the row of fantasy/sci fi books. Screw you, Kondo! They all bring me joy! 🤣😂💕📚 #antikondo
THIS! #antikondo #donttellmetogiveupmybooks (Plus I ❤️ the BBT.)
Found on the Girls With Books Facebook page.
That sounds about right. I‘d definitely buy this book! 😂😂😂 #antikondo #needmorebooks
And he wrote an article about the decluttering craze: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/we-can-t-put-our-messy-lives-into-tidy-boxes-...