December 30: Fav Read of 2017 - This was my favorite book of the year! I didn't want to return it to the library! #allthebooksdec
December 30: Fav Read of 2017 - This was my favorite book of the year! I didn't want to return it to the library! #allthebooksdec
December 29: Last Read of 2017 - this will be my last read of the year. Looking forward to 2018! #allthebooksdec
December 28: Fav Cover of 2017 - Even though I haven't read it yet, this came in @uppercasebox and I love the cover. The rainbow cover matches my new unicorn socks from my friend and her girls which I love! #warcross #allthebooksdec
These are some of my favorite 2017 covers!! Some of these I have not read but the covers are just gorgeous! #allthebooksdec
#bookstagram#bookstagrammer #books #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #reading #instabooks #bookphotography #bibliophile #literature #bookalicious #2017books #warcross #marielu #beautyandthebeastlostinabook #jenniferdonnelly #daughteroftheking #it #renegades #mortalinstruments
December 27: #fave2017OTP So I took a quiz to find out which One True Pairing I should be “shipping,” and I got Four & Tris. I read the Divergent series this year, so I guess that works! #allthebooksdec #decinbooks17 #seasonsreadings #divergent #yalit #otp #fourandtris #bujo #bulletjournal #bujolover #bujobookshelf #bookishbujo
December 27: Fave 2017 OTP - I always come back to #Willowdean and #PrivateSchoolBo and I can't wait to see them come alive on screen next year! #allthebooksdec
December 26: Book Gifted to Me - Santa got me this for Christmas a couple of years ago. I'll admit I haven't cooked much from it. #cookbook #allthebooksdec
December 26: #booksgiftedtome My awesome friends got me this OZ magazine “to brighten up my day,” & it did 😊 Funny story - my mom says that I used to watch this movie every day when I was a kid ... no wonder I grew up to be a fan of the books ❤️💛 #allthebooksdec #decinbooks17 #seasonsreadings #oz
Decwmber 25: Merry Christmas - I love my shirt from my cousin! Now to finish grad school so I can officially have that title! #futurelibrarian #mlis #lsu #slis #allthebooksdec
December 25: #merrychristmas Working on my “Best Of” page today! #allthebooksdec #decinbooks17 #seasonsreadings #louisianachristmasday #bujolife #bujolove #bujolover #bujopage #bulletjournal