52 weeks, 52 books! What‘s your Goodreads Challenge goal? #bujo #bujotracker #bujoinspire #bujopage #bujolife #bujolove #bulletjournal #goodreads #goodreadschallenge #readingchallenge
52 weeks, 52 books! What‘s your Goodreads Challenge goal? #bujo #bujotracker #bujoinspire #bujopage #bujolife #bujolove #bulletjournal #goodreads #goodreadschallenge #readingchallenge
My exercise is not very varied, I must admit. Going to try to incorporate Zumba, yoga, & definitely stretching this year. Crazy how easily your flexibility goes away when you don‘t stretch regularly. #bujo #bulletjournal #bujolove #bujolife #bujoinspo #bujoinspire #bujopage
I would love to get 8,000 - 10,000 steps a day. I have a 100% desk job, so some days, it is hard to get more than 4,000! Going to try harder this year. #bujo #bulletjournal #bujolove #bujolife #bujoinspo #bujoinspire #bujopage
And my last page before I get back to work on #bujo this morning ... my sleep tracker! I decided to go with my “bright” Tombrow pens this year instead of using the boring ol‘ primary colors. I love seeing my whole year of sleep laid out on one page like this! #bulletjournal #bujopage #bujolife #bujolove #bujoinspo
And ... the actually mood tracking spread! Lemme tell you, drawing all those boxes is ugggggh 😳 But I‘m happy with how it came out! 💛🧡❤️💜💙💚 #bujo #bulletjournal #bujolife #bujolove #bujoinspo #bujopage
I decided to “lighten the mood” with 2018‘s mood tracker - keep it fun! This is the key and monthly totals page. The rainbow hearts are just 😍💛🧡❤️💜💙💚 #bujo #bujolife #bujolove #bujoinspo #bulletjournal #bujopage
So, I didn‘t do a big calendar like this in last year‘s #bujo, but I‘m trying it out for this year! #bujolife #bulletjournal #bujoinspo #bujolove #bujopage
My 2018 Big Picture page, as inspired by #Pinterest. I don‘t LOVE it, but it will do! Setting up #bujo for a new year is a lot of work 😳😬😓 #bulletjournal #bujolover #bujolife #bujopage #yearataglance
#workinprogress I‘ve decided to try for wreath doodles in my 2018 #bujo. They are so much work, but so pretty! This one just needs to be outlined & colored in. #bulletjournal #hello2018 #bujopage #bujolover #hpny18 #newyear #bujoideas #bujoinspo
2017 wasn‘t a great year, but there were some highlights 😄✈️❄️🏝🦆👩🏼💻🌃 🚘 (PS - Why isn‘t there a hippopotamus emoji?!?!) #bujo #farewell2017 #bujopage #bujolover #bulletjournal