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Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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Scott, this was such a great read - I bought it based on your rec and it didn‘t disappoint! Celine is absolutely my kind of character - I just adore her. I wish he‘d write another book about her search for her daughter ♥️ Peter Heller fans, which of his other books should I read? @vivastory

CBee His writing is gorgeous, especially in regards to nature and the outdoors. I could see the trees, the mountains, feel the clean air - *sigh* 1mo
inthegreensandblues I really enjoyed The River and The Guide, which share a MC. This one sounds great. Definitely more Peter Heller in my future. 1mo
CBee @inthegreensandblues the main character is quirky and damaged and just a delight despite it all. 1mo
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vivastory This post really means a lot to me! I loved this book & I'm so happy that this one worked for you as well 💙I have heard RAVE reviews for his book The Dog Stars! I'm loosely following the 52 book club challenge for the year & the only book I haven't selected is a buddy read. Would you be open for a buddy read of another Heller in Sep/October? 1mo
CBee @vivastory it was right up my alley! I don‘t know if I can read The Dog Stars - being such a big animal person, well, something happens and I don‘t usually handle that well (I hope I‘m making sense 😂). That being said, what about reading The River? 1mo
CBee These also look good: 1mo
vivastory I'm open for any of them! Both The river & The Painter sound especially good. Your choice 🙂 1mo
CBee @vivastory let‘s go with The River! Let me know when you want to get started 😊 1mo
vivastory The River sounds great! How does the first week of September sound? 1mo
CBee @vivastory perfect! My library has it so I‘ll get it closer to the end of August! 1mo
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Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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The ending was satisfying in a way that left me wanting more. I wasn‘t ready for it to be over. There is a conclusion to what happened to the missing person. I was also left with curiosity about what happened to the characters next. This ending left room for the reader to draw their own conclusions, which I kind of like. It‘s fun to dream about what I hope happens next. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💜 2mo
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Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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These arrived yesterday, @TheAromaofBooks. I spent the evening going through Celine and enjoying everyone's comments. 💛 What fun!
@Jerdencon @robinb

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My 2nd book finished for #MarvellousMarch

An enjoyable romp of a crisis situation when a deadly virus/bacterial strain is released in Yellowstone Park that quickly kills people, & is found to be a preliminary attack prior to a bigger more devastating plan. If only the Covid situation could be solved in the way this book was. A very enjoyable book but not sure how the science really stood up. I look forward to continuing this fast moving series,

DieAReader 🥳Fantastic!! 5mo
Tove_Reads Yeah, same feelings here. Probably not all facts correct, but fast and enjoyable read. 5mo
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Anyone read Nick Thacker‘s books? I‘d like to try one or two, and they seem to be on Kindle Unlimited, but I have no clue where to start. He‘s written quite a lot, yet I‘m not familiar with him 🤷🏼

Andrew65 Not read any, but appears I do own books 1, 2 and 5 in this series. Must have been free downloads. If you choose to read from the series let me know, l‘m already set up for the first 2 books 🤣 (edited) 6mo
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Harvey Bennett? I‘m a bit confused with how many series there are. But, if he‘s an excellent author, then we‘re in luck! I‘m ready to start tomorrow or Sunday! 6mo
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Another one I was looking at is John Carson. 6mo
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Yes The Harvey Bennett Series. Sunday would work for me. 6mo
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Not aware of John Carson but he seems to have a lot of books! 6mo
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This is one of those books that ruins the dreams and silly ideas you have in your head regarding if you had made different choices in life. Specifically, it shows the many ways in which being a park ranger is frustrating and at times even traumatic. The book started off as a series of stories conveying how hard the ranger life is. As it progressed, it focused more on the lives of two specific rangers with results both tragic and touching. 4/5

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Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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I had some trouble rating this book because the book itself can't quite seem to decide what it wants to be. It‘s also not exactly a novel, but somewhere in between. A novel with some thriller aspects. A slow-paced suspense with a lot of backstory. A spy story not about the spy at all. A missing person case with a long explanation as to why the detective takes on missing person cases. Something like that. The point is, I really enjoyed it. But⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I'm also not sure exactly why 😂

Great #LMPBC pick @bookandbedandtea !! @Jerdencon @robinb
#ReadtheUSA2024 - Wyoming
#WickedWords - Couple @AsYouWish
#100YearsofBooks (2017)
Susanita My book club liked it more than I did, but I want to try the Dusty Miller sundae. 6mo
bookandbedandtea I like your analysis, Sarah. I can't properly describe the book, and couldn't nail down a genre for it, but I really enjoyed it. 🤷‍♀️ 6mo
robinb I enjoyed it as well, but it was definitely different. And I get what you say about the genre thing. At times it felt like a cozy, at times a book more about the mysterious Celine than a thriller/mystery. Celine was the focus, all else took a backseat. 😂 6mo
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Free Fire | C. J. Box
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This was definitely a case of the right book at the right time. With so much holiday craziness I only had time to read in little sips, which turned out to be the perfect way to read this story.
In 1898 Alex joins a field study in Yellowstone National Park and shocks the other scientists by being a woman 😱 The story touches on conservation, Native American displacement, feminism, and the nature of science.

#BookedInTime Victorian Era

dabbe Got your review on the spreadsheet! 🤩 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe Look at you all hard at work like one of Santa's elves! 😁 Thank you 💚❤️💚 8mo
dabbe @TheBookgeekFrau 💙❄️💙 8mo
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Cuilin Sounds like a fabulous read. I love when genre and mood meld. ✅🎉 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Cuilin So do I! 😊 8mo
AnnR Great review! I bought a used copy of this last year and still need to read it. 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau @AnnR Isn't that how it always is with book buying though? 😂 8mo
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