My view right now. 😍 #8monthold son, and a good book. Surprised by how much I am liking this trilogy. The first book was okay, but the second one suckered me in. Here‘s hoping this one is just as good. #whoneedssleepanyway
My view right now. 😍 #8monthold son, and a good book. Surprised by how much I am liking this trilogy. The first book was okay, but the second one suckered me in. Here‘s hoping this one is just as good. #whoneedssleepanyway
Just started this book today and I‘m having a hard time putting it down!! Can‘t wait to see where this goes! (Or how late I‘ll be up tonight 😏🤓)
#SassyBookworm 😏 #CurrentlyReading #LateNightConfessions #WhoNeedsSleepAnyWay #BookwormProblems
I have to get up early for work but I can't stop reading these books!!! Tyrant the continuation of King and Doe's story was bananas and that twist!!😵 I haven't been this into a series in awhile, I forgot how awesome and time consuming it is. On to book three😍#whoneedssleepanyway