Read this one pretty quickly. Would have loved to see this as a longer novel, but it was good! Loved the characters, the atmosphere, everything. ☺️
Read this one pretty quickly. Would have loved to see this as a longer novel, but it was good! Loved the characters, the atmosphere, everything. ☺️
Just starting this read. Book number 21 for the year. I am so far behind where I thought I would be for the year. Ah well. :) Has anyone else read this one?
Reading this one. Haven‘t gotten too far into it yet, but love the premise so far!
Loving this read right now! It‘s very intriguing, and atmospheric. 😍😍 Love it!
Started this one a week ago. I was really invested at the start, but now I am finding it slow going. Mind you, I‘ve only been reading it for the last week and a half and am still not quite halfway through. We‘ll see how it goes.
Loved the concept, and the storyline was pretty good. Predictable, but okay. The ending though... what a let down after all of the build-up.
Started this one the other night. Currently 80 pages into it, and liking it so far. Here‘s hoping it continues to resonate with me. 😁 #lostforwords
Interesting what Facebook digs up when you mark something as currently reading on goodreads. 🙄 Not entirely sure why I read this book. I hate zombies, and was scaring myself silly reading this book last night. 😂
Diving back into this series. I have loved all of the books so far, and am hoping that this one is just as amazing!
Just getting settled down with a new book. I‘m currently reading my shelves, and this one jumped out at me. So far, so good.
Wayback playback. Reading my shelves, trying to make room for new stuff, so I am finally getting around to reading books that I bought years ago.
I just finished Tower of Dawn, and am set to devour Kingdom of Ash. At least, someone is sleeping so I can get some reading time in. :)
When your kiddo crashes next to you, you read. Loving this series! I actually didn‘t expect to love it as much as I do, though I still like ACOTAR more.
Thoroughly enjoying this book so far. I kept walking past it on my bookcase, and it was just begging to be read. Then I saw a review online, which intrigued me, and that settled things—I had to read it, right now. 😊
The pictures are very illustrative. I have already read this to my son a couple of times.
Picked this one up at the Sally Ann a couple months ago. Just getting ready to crack it open. 😊
I have been waiting so long for this one!!!! I LOVE this series!!
Izzy‘s story! I love this series, and am enjoying this read.
Just starting this one. So far I am not really liking the MC, but I am only 20 pages in, so we‘ll see. 😊
I came across this passage and immediately sent it to my fiancé. What an incredible description for something he deals with, but couldn‘t put into words quite like this author did.
Just getting started on this one, and the prologue is so intense!
Apparently it was one of those nights last night. Lol. Though, the book was good, but was not as twisted as I was expecting.
Just starting this one. Won it a couple months ago on goodreads.
Reading this while Rory is sleeping. Christopher Hitchens is one of my fiancé‘s favourite people. Sad that he is now gone.
Just getting ready to dive into this one, and the dedication has already hooked me. 😔
It was an okay read. Not as great as the other three books I have read by Seanan McGuire, but it was still good. I was able to pick this one up yesterday, and finish it the same day.
Seriously, the more I read, the more I fall in love with Seanan McGuire‘s writing. She has this habit of making you become so emotionally invested in the characters/book. Her writing is so atmospheric and just, intensely awesome.
Two of my favourite things.... books and #RoryWilliam. Loving this read so far!
I liked it, but certain parts ticked me off. I enjoyed the first two books a lot more than this one. It was still good. I just didn‘t like some of the situations that the characters were placed in.
Someone FINALLY fell asleep so I can start in on this book. I have been waiting impatiently to start it. 😊
My view right now. 😍 #8monthold son, and a good book. Surprised by how much I am liking this trilogy. The first book was okay, but the second one suckered me in. Here‘s hoping this one is just as good. #whoneedssleepanyway
Dr. Hooves approves. 😉 Very fast paced, and a lot of information is thrown at you. What a whirlwind of a read.
Finally getting time to read. Have been MIA for a while, due to the fact that I have a newborn. #RoryWilliam Really enjoying this series. Picked up the first one at a secondhand store, and have borrowed the rest of the series from the library.
Such a pretty and intricate cover. This one just jumped off of the shelf into my arms today. 😉
Relaxing and taking a break to read this weekend. Have been awol lately, but for a good cause.... I am pregnant!
My preorder of The Song Rising came before release day. Going to crack this one open now. This series is phenomenal and I have been waiting for this one for a while. Love this cover design. 😍
So I love this book. I love this series. Mister Whiskers is cool, and I posted this on Kristen Britain's Facebook page and she replied. (Fangirl'ing hardcore over here.) Loved this instalment in the series, and can't believe how long I have to wait for the next one. 😢
I am so excited for this book. I have been waiting so impatiently for it! 😍😍😍😍😍
Relaxed and trying to recuperate (am sick). Hoping chocolate and books will help do the trick!
Inhaling Kelley Armstrong's newest release. I love all of her books, and really like her writing style. I'm already halfway through, and I only started it yesterday evening. 😳😍 The bookmarks and pins/ badges posted in the picture are from my order from #boookmarky on etsy. They are all very pretty. They even threw in a couple of extras. 😍Thank you! 😍
This book is probably one of my favourite books, if not THE favourite book that I have read. Holy. My heart. I have never felt the way I felt with this book. The characters are so perfectly written, and the world-building. I did not want to finish it. Knowing it would have an ending like that. I ugly cried with this one, and openly seethed and spit venom at other characters. My heart. Definitely going to be one of my most frequently re-reads.
Still working my way through this book. Haven't had a lot of reading time lately. Loving the snapchat filter(s) for today. Loving me some Rhysand too. 😉
Finally picking up this one. I have seen a lot of spoilers around for it, so figured I would dive in before I am inadvertently spoiled with said spoilers. Also, Feyre, Rhysand, Tamlin.... need I say more? 😉
I went into Coles today, not thinking I'd find Kelley's new book out yet, but there it was! She is one of my absolute favourite authors. #instabuy #instaAwesome 😉😍
Changing things up with a non-fiction read. I love reading memoirs from those who are looking for adventure and lost civilizations. I have this obsession with learning about the Amazon. :)
Not as good as I was hoping it would be. Took a long while to get into it. Seemed to have a lot of running around and not really getting anywhere. I wasn't as invested in this read, and didn't really connect with the main character as much as I hoped I would. When the action kicked in, and the story started to move, then it got interesting, and I couldn't put it down.
My book haul for the last couple of weeks. I still have three more boxes of books coming. I think I have a problem. 😂
Someone isn't happy I have another book handy... but he doesn't mind curling up beside me while I read. 😍