Truly a good book day in that I totally forgot about the #treatyoself batch of books I ordered at some point for my birthday month 😂💜
St. Nikolaus Day dinner at Hollenbach's outfit for nephew's birthday celebration---with my tartan Lutherian-Morean tam hat! Books stacked: Sagas of the Icelanders (700-pager), Ernest Newman's 3-vol omnibus of Great Stories of the Operas, JCO's Bloodsmoor Romance (700-pager) a la The Accursed CR, the classic Snow Queen fantasy, Harold Robbins, Brit dragon roller coaster mystery, The Soong Dynasty (another mulitgenerational option), 1200pg war novel
Henry James synchronicity: currently reading The Golden Bowl, just read a chapter in Alex Roth's book Wagnerism that references James, and while reading George Saunder's book A Swim in the Pond in the Rain James is quoted on the style of Turgenev. Whoa
A masterpiece, albeit an exhausting read
After 7 months of working from home, 7 months without live performances, my company is producing opera again! Tonight we open a "drive-thru" opera, an immersive performance/installation adaptation of Wagner's Götterdämmerung, where, in true Detroit fashion, Brunhilde rides off in a Ford Mustang. I am so proud of my incredible colleagues and so overjoyed to be part of bringing the arts to life once again. #SeeMoreOpera #SeeMoreTheatre #MittenLitten
Litten at the opera. I live in a cultural desert and I‘ve absolutely LOVED going to these Met Opera live broadcasts this year. Even if watching Die Walkure means I can‘t read for 5 hours!
Now that I'm done with both books, I can return this to my friend. I feel weird reviewing classics, so I won't, but I'm having a hard time remember that Nietzsche is being humorous, so it read kind of weird. I tried my iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso, but now it's too bitter instead of too milky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Indoors due to cold weather. Also later life Nietzsche and I have the same taste in opera (ie Bizet's Carmen)