#Tresses #coolbooks @Linsy
Cress is the 3rd book in the Lunar Chronicles. Book 3 is a fantastic Rapunzel retelling.
#Tresses #coolbooks @Linsy
Cress is the 3rd book in the Lunar Chronicles. Book 3 is a fantastic Rapunzel retelling.
#CoolBooks #Tresses
Could've doubled-up with yesterday's 'tower' prompt & Rapunzel--instead here's the Japanese folk tale "The Girl with the Black Bowl" where a young girl is instructed by her dying mother to hide her beauty under a large black rice bowl, promising to "not remove it until the time comes." Even on her wedding day when the village maidens try to remove it to adorn her tresses with golden combs, it stays on. That's dedication!?
“Little Wildrose peeps down from the Eagle‘s nest.”
#tresses #coolbooks #fairytales #andrewlang
It is no fun when your facial #tresses start living a life of their own that might involve taking over the island where you live. No fun at all..
One of the fairy tales in this collection is The Magician‘s Cape, by Anna Wahlenberg. The story of an evil magician who kidnaps young girls and how a maiden with golden hair foiled his attempts.
Artwork by John Bauer.
#coolbooks #fairytale #tresses