Day 6 - #WeaklingToHero #TropesInAugust
#TheNeverendingStory #MichaelEnde
I love this story!
Day 6 - #WeaklingToHero #TropesInAugust
#TheNeverendingStory #MichaelEnde
I love this story!
10-8-17: Day 8: Books Loved as a Teen. I think I was a weird kid! Some of his subject matter is intense! #bookriot #riotgram #Bookslovedasateen #goddessthesecretlivesofmarilynmonroe #valleyofthedolls which is my mom's first addition copy!! #theneverendingstory which you can see has tape on the spine! #dancingonmygrave I was a ballet dancer #goaskalice which is from my elementary school, I never brought it back! #mermaids one of my fave movies!
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, Just Plain Weird
- Neil Gaiman, Gene Wolfe, China Miéville
- Ender's Game, The Last Unicorn, The Neverending Story
- @Jaberwocky @Seshat
- Edward McKay's Used Books and More in Winston-Salem, NC, Beach Book Mart in Atlantic Beach, NC
- outofprintclothing.com litographs.com
- a copy of The Hobbit with illustrations from the Rankin/Bass animated film
- wherever I can
- Autumn