Particularly sobering words to read after more devastating news from today. #BLM #TerenceCrutcher 🌹
TheNextBook I have no words anymore 8y
BookishFeminist @TheNextBook Me neither. 😔💔 heartbreaking & infuriating. 8y
Notafraidofwords I don't understand. All I know is that i constantly repeat to my boyfriend to just do what the police say. But that doesn't seem to be safe either. I don't get it. 8y
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BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords Sadly it isn't sometimes, and he shouldn't even have to take those precautions in a system that should give him due process and benefit of the doubt under law. ? it is so infuriating. Some folks I'm afraid are too caught up in believing black folks, POC, or those that are "different" or "other" than them as inherently unsafe, and it makes me angry bc it couldn't be further from the truth when we endanger their lives. 8y
Notafraidofwords @BookishFeminist Ugh so frustrating. Even more so to see people at work say all types of racist things that don't believe are racist. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords What?! What field do you work in?! I feel awful for the folks that have to listen to those microaggressions and feel unsafe because some of the folks you work with are ignorant to how damaging saying those things can be. I've had my fair share of confrontation with ignorant people who don't want to think their comments are backhandedly bigoted, and also plenty of teachable moments myself. 8y
Notafraidofwords @BookishFeminist ahh it's just all so frustrating. 8y
BookishFeminist @Notafraidofwords Beyond frustrating 😡😡 8y
TheBookbabeblog84 What's sad...is that I have friends that say things and they expect me to stay quiet. I have lost friends because they could not see past their bias. They could not grasp that my experiences and feelings are different 8y
BookishFeminist @TheBookbabeblog84 I'm so sorry you had and probably still have to deal with that. 😔Your opinions are always valid and I don't see why anyone could expect or want you to stay silent. Black lives >>> white feelings. It's such an affront to so many people to ask them to not even change their views but just ask them to *examine* their world view. Very sad & extremely infuriating- I can only imagine the bias you deal with daily. 8y
TheBookbabeblog84 @BookishFeminist it can be hard to shake off; it takes a strong person to realize that it's not about you. Not about your color. It's about fear of the unknown. I think what makes it worse is that there are not enough people firing back about the bias etc. not to mention the rise of a President Candidate that speaks hate from the stump. 😬 8y
BookishFeminist @TheBookbabeblog84 Very true, & yes I agree that's been a huge contributing factor. It's always existed sadly but it's been feeling a lot more dangerous lately bc people are more afraid to speak out against the bigotry & it feels like hateful people are less held back than before in some circumstances because of he who shall not be named. 😬 I wish it were the reverse. It needs to be to affect change. I'm so glad you share your thoughts. ❤️ 8y
Vinjii Thankfully over here getting shot by the police is very rare. Sadly I have the impression we as a species are getting worse again when it comes to empathy, compassion and tolerance :( and now racist, right wing leaders are emerging everywhere, in Europe, Australia, the US and people who previously at least remained silent are now under the impression they can start being openly racist and intolerant. It's heartbreaking. 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii I'm glad it's more rare and I'm afraid that's because of our ridiculous political stance on guns- I see why it's a personal topic for so many people but arming the populace isn't going to eliminate violence. So our police are required essentially to carry guns since we're allowed to. ? it's unnerving when you think of how trigger-happy some folks can be, like the cop who just shot a black man yesterday. She only "thought she saw danger." 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii The overtly racist right-wing leaders cropping up everywhere are gut-wrenching to think about. I hear them speak and I get sick to my stomach and as someone with a fair amount of privilege in this country I know I wouldn't lose too much & can't imagine the disgust & fear people with less privilege must feel. Like you said it's very heartbreaking that people feel so threatened to resort to hatred of this level. 😔 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii And it sets such a poor example for others like you say- if a politician is saying it and denouncing "political correctness," then why can't I? The rise of these people shows how much fear and hatred have been riding in people's subconsciouses without saying anything. And how many exist that don't say anything- for instance people who denounce Trump publicly in the US but secretly vote for him bc they agree & wont confront their biases. 8y
Vinjii @BookishFeminist Dangerous are the people who so far knew it's not appropriate to be openly racist or openly whatever they'd like to be and they were in the minority and ridiculed whenever they opened their mouths. Now they get told by people who are running for office that actually it's acceptable. The UK is dealing with a rise in hate crime for example. It's scary. 8y
Vinjii @BookishFeminist and yes, same, white and middle class, hence quite some privilege (I say some because woman and gay and a foreigner in the UK) so I don't have to fear anything.... but what if this tip to the right results in a slippery slope and we slide into massive world wide conflict of some sort? 😰 8y
Vinjii @BookishFeminist I've talked to a few people who are nice people, they are generous and caring (or so I thought?) but they're so scared of terrorism that they actually want ridiculous measures implemented to keep themselves and their families safe. And they say things that break my heart simply because the press and politicians are spreading fear and more fear and with fear comes hatred 😰 8y
Vinjii @BookishFeminist Sorry that sort of slipped off topic. 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii No problem! I'm always up for political discussion. I agree completely- I think a lot of the right-wing politics are being driven by fear & ignorance rather than flat out hatred, yet it's still based in this concept of "exceptionalism" that they're more entitled to certain things than other people, like safety for instance. The other really damaging thing in my opinion is the misinformation that is spread. 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii For instance most terrorism in the US is homegrown yet folks think implementing xenophobic & anti-immigration policies are the answer. It's a problem without an easy answer to be sure, but continually othering people & failure to include them in the discussion perpetuates the problem in my opinion. It leads to resistance and resentment that can build to more widespread conflict like you mention, esp since these are global policies. 8y
Vinjii @BookishFeminist I agree, of course there's no easy answer but fear and hate definitely isn't the right way. I don't think I'm more deserving of safety and shelter than anybody else. I won the birth lottery. I have no right to keep people from coming here that didn't. At least that's how I see it. 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii Emphasizing our differences won't get us anywhere- it doesn't mean differences don't exist & aren't valid to remark upon, but to make them the target of exclusionary policies creates tension & drives the focus away from our similarities and leads people back to more hate and entitlement. See: Brexit. 😰 it's all very heartbreaking and scary. We have a rise in certain hate crimes too and it's unnerving to think about. 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii That's how I see it too. I can't help the privilege that I have but I don't have to use it to abuse other people and think I'm deserving or entitled to certain things over other people. ESPECIALLY not safety. 8y
Vinjii @BookishFeminist A man in my town got beaten up and died by teenagers and it looks like the reason was that he spoke Polish 😰 Investigation is still ongoing so we'll see. But that just shouldn't happen. Plus I keep being called a delusional leftie, which also shouldn't be the case? And Brexit. Sigh. Another step in the wrong direction 😰 8y
BookishFeminist @Vinjii ? that's horrifying! I'm so sorry. I'm inclined to distrust investigations anyway in a heated political climate because they often turn up some interesting "official" reasons when it was a hate crime. Please stay safe. ❤️ You aren't a delusional leftie. Just so sad how divided everyone is becoming again and basing their politics off of fear, not policy. ? I hope things change for the better soon. 8y