What an absolute delight of a book this is.
Someone recommended this to me when I asked for book recommendations for books on apartheid. I was skeptical at first but my god this was an amazing book. Fascinating look at a childhood under a repressive regime and damn if Noah's love for his mom didn't have me sobbing at the end.
"Sometimes what I wouldn't give to have us sitting in a bar again at 9:00 a.m. telling lies to one another, far from God."
Watched the Oklahoma City documentary and now falling down this oddly timely rabbit hole.
What an utterly charming book this is. Much needed.
Trying to make sense of this world.
Whew. Just done with the work intro and this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Little known fact about me is that I'm obsessed with Patty Hearst. Well known fact, I drink on Friday at lunch.
I did not love this as much as everyone else did but I liked it fine. I thought it could have gone a whole lot darker.
I did not love this as much as everyone else did but I liked it fine. I thought it could have gone a whole lot darker.
This is a masterpiece. And as Toni says, required reading. Wow.
Starting this puppy. Hear good things and also hear it's very sad. But sometimes sad is good and necessary.
This book is 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Giving me 90s feels, being a girl in high school feels, and Kurt Cobain feels.
Welp. This book is no fucking joke.
I found out recently that I went to elementary school with this author. It was already on my TBR list so it got moved up! Can't wait.
I wanted to not like this because I feel like everyone was so excited and I was sick of hearing about it. And then I read it and realized I was being an asshole and love Lauren Groff and this book is incredible.
Really loving this book. I know that I'm late to the party but it's really effing good.
We had an amazing launch party for this book last night. I want to just scream from the rooftops what a beautiful book this is. Martin's writing transports to the thick bayous of Louisiana and what it is to be queer amongst a queer land. Beautiful.
This book is so great. Like a more funny, more readable David Foster Wallace novel.
My inner Santa Cruz is showing in my library haul for the day.