I was told this book will bring #tearsonmypillow .
I was told this book will bring #tearsonmypillow .
I've been pretty MIA the last few days... life is in the way. I've tried to at least comment on everything I'm tagged in. And since I missed out on the last several prompts, these are my picks. Shiloh is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear about a #HoundDog. I can't think of anything for the drive in.... for #WildDelinquents we have Dangerous Girls, which I definitely recommend. And last but not least, the bottom 2 for #TearsOnMyPillow
Both of these books left #tearsonmypillow 😭😭😭 I still think about these characters!!
#ReadingResolutions Day 11: Mary Oliver has some sage advice on what to do when death comes so there wont be #TearsOnMyPillow. Hope the text isn‘t too small.