Just a little quote from the man … C. G. Jung 🥰🥰🥰📖
Thank you Elizabeth- this is so perfect - and as usual will share TMI with my liitsy fam 🧡 With Fall i soak my legs almost every day to reduce pain- and am thinking I don‘t want my phone to take notes on while i think, i need to grab a notepad- And then later that day Friday I think- This arrived- And my bathroom is Forest/Mushroom/Fairy themed! Now my mushroom notepad is exactly right and a total glimmer 💛🧡💛
One of my friends recommended Jung the psychologist a while back, so I got it on sale, and look forward to reading it.
Just enjoying the evening with a couple of good books and my Anniversary partner Aaron reading city of bones and the tagged book for a little fun and that view keeps distracting me 🤣🤗🌊📖
Jung can be unfathomable but he‘s rarely less than interesting. These readings are fascinating, particularly those to do with synchronicity. I have on occasion experienced ‘coincidences‘ that left me speechless, humbled, and contemplative. Jung would say that this is entirely typical and part of the way the universe ‘works.‘ Openness is key, it seems.
Very much testimony-driven - which I like - but the analysis, though succinct, is thought-provoking and adds significantly to the book. Life is complex and lots of things happen to us so I suppose we should expect coincidences along the way. Vaughan shows there‘s rather more to it than this, however, and the book is a worthy addition to any bookshelf for the stories alone. Some are, indeed, absolutely incredible.
My timeline just now.... back to back posts had me doing a double-take!
#mystery #synchronicity
I read this book a while ago but wanted to say how much I enjoyed it.The characters are more flushed out than the first book in the series.
When I was reading the book I had a zoom meet with my niece&her husband who live in New Castle upon Tyne, right near the Gap.Coincidently,that very weekend they had just visited Hadrian‘s Wall & Sycamore Gap.Someday I would love to visit them & experience this ancient history myself.