This drive to Rochester, MN is no joke. Blowing snow. -10 degrees. Trying to calm anxieties but my phone won‘t pair with my mom‘s car so no #audiobook for us. I don‘t want to be rude by popping earbuds in.
This drive to Rochester, MN is no joke. Blowing snow. -10 degrees. Trying to calm anxieties but my phone won‘t pair with my mom‘s car so no #audiobook for us. I don‘t want to be rude by popping earbuds in.
#HumpDayPost #ALittleLate @MinDea
Technically, it‘s still hump day for me. I had Monday off. 😁
1. Hiking and my bf. Flowers and my pets (kitty not pictured).
2. Definitely Hogwarts.
3. Water
4. Make ridiculous reading goals and scramble to accomplish them. May have to lower my GR number this year... or just start listening to audio books in the car. 🤔
5. Rain. I can only handle snow for a little while. #Southerner