This was fun! Surprised at Hufflepuff being so high. Always knew I was the heir of Slytherin 😂
#harrypotter #sortinghat
This was fun! Surprised at Hufflepuff being so high. Always knew I was the heir of Slytherin 😂
#harrypotter #sortinghat
I would switch Slytherin and Gryffindor (I‘m ambitious, but not very brave 🙈) but other than that, I definitely agree with these results! I am a whole-hearted Ravenclaw with a secondary house of Hufflepuff #ravenclaw #sortinghat #harrypotter
For your quizzing pleasure: https://www.buzzfeed.com/eleanorbate/accurate-af-sorting-quiz?utm_term=.kemjXXna...
I love when these quizzes put me right where I‘m supposed to be #sortinghat #hufflepuff #alwaysloyal #harrypotter #quiztime
😍 EVERY test Iv ever taken Iv been placed here. I am a hufflepuff through and through and proud of it too! ☺️ #hufflepuff #hogwarts #sortinghat
I knew it! Though every other test gives me Slytherin...
Take yours here: www.buzzfeed.com/eleanorbate/accurate-af-sorting-quiz?utm_term=.xyGYwll95#.koXYw88Ny
#HP #HarryPotter #SortingHat #Hufflepuff #quiz
I think @ghosthost originally posted this quiz: http://www.personalitylab.org/tests/bfi2_hogwarts.htm
I was surprised by my result. I almost always get Ravenclaw.
#Potterhead #sortinghat #slytherin #ravenclaw
@WanderingBookaneer love the quiz and I came out as a Gryffindor with a dose of Ravenclaw
#SortingHat #HarryPotterFan #BestBookEver #GryffindorForever #TrueGryffindor
This was so very different than I was expecting, and in such a great way. Tonight, is Hell Night. But havoc of a different kind is about to descend when bullets start flying and alien languages are spoken. This is a time bending, historic, futuristic adventures along the lines of Stranger Things, and the Explorers. Colorful, well written and fun, this reader needs volume 2 now!
#beatthebacklist #sortinghat
Finally I'm starting the Harry Potter series 🙌🏻 It is a big shame that I never read it before 🙈 But better late then never 🙃
#harrypotter #funkopop #harrypotterfandom #bloomsbury #sortinghat #jkrowling #booklover