Been interested in this one for some time now. Well this whole trilogy really. Finally gonna read through this. Should be a good time, as I‘ve heard good things.
#ADarkerShadeofMagic #VESchwab #ShadesofMagic #series #trilogy
Been interested in this one for some time now. Well this whole trilogy really. Finally gonna read through this. Should be a good time, as I‘ve heard good things.
#ADarkerShadeofMagic #VESchwab #ShadesofMagic #series #trilogy
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the collector‘s edition!?!?! I love the art on the outside and inside covers! #stasreskon #shadesofmagic #veschwab #agatheringofshadows
Pretty ecstatic that I finally got to my box of mugs. I missed you, raven mug.
Also made it to the third Shades of Magic book. So far, very exciting.
#shadesofmagic #teamugs
I have NEVER been this sad to see a trilogy end 😭😭😭😭😭😭 cannot reccomend this series enough!!! #veschwab #shadesofmagic
I am so so glad I finally read this book! It was my first book by V.E. Schwab and I enjoyed it so much!
I loved the world-building and the characters, and I absolutely adore Schwab's gorgeous writing. It's a good thing there's two more books in the series because I am nowhere near ready to leave this amazing world. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
#VESchwab #ADarkerShadeOfMagic #ADSOM #ShadesOfMagic #fantasy #booknerdigans #nakedcovers #collectorsedition #AsTravars
"Kell wore a very peculiar coat.
It had neither one side, which would be conventional, nor two, which would be unexpected, but several, which was, of course, impossible."
Finally started reading #ADSOM and I instantly fell in love with this opening... ❤️
#VESchwab #ADarkerShadeOfMagic #coverlove #nakedcovers #fantasyreads #currentlyreading #booknerdigans #bibliophile #collectorsedition #ShadesOfMagic #AsTravars
I am so excited for this book, too!
Sitting in the salon chair with some very un-salonish reading, though can't say I'm ashamed 😘#weeknightreading #agatheringofshadows #shadesofmagic
So, this was a tougher book to review than I expected it to be. On the plus side: Schwab delivers a fun story with great characters and really freaky cool setting. Wish the story had allowed more room to explore the worlds, but it still works well. But what gets me hung up is a glaring plot hole: NOTHING the bad guys do makes sense. If you want spoilers for why I say that, check my GR review: https://goo.gl/8kQ2kn #fantasy #VESchwab #ShadesOfMagic