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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Davos &his companions have a plan, but they must deceive Melisandre to smuggle Edric out of Dragonstone. He sees them off &goes to Stannis. Melisandre saw the death of the third king in the fire, but Stannis hesitates without official word, Davos confirms it is true. Stannis has no love for Joffrey &Tommen is still heir. Stannis feels betrayed, as he draws his sword Davos pulls out a letter…

Roary47 I like that so much is going on, but he just goes right back to working on his reading and writing. 3mo
BethM It‘s been too long, I know we know what that letter says, I just can‘t remember. 2mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM the last thing I remember Davos being perturbed about was the wildlings coming and -I think- the attack on the Fist? But wasn‘t sure if it would be that or something else no one is bothered to tell Stannis 2mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Stannis hears of the Red Wedding, but he is not impressed with the Freys. Queen Selyse &Melisandre preach that killing Edric Storm will raise dragons for Stannis. She implies her ritual killed 2 kings, Davos says if the 3rd dies he will be convinced &Stannis sees his logic
Davos has been learning to read & Pylos gives him an old letter from the Nightwatch about the wildlings coming south, asking for help; he is troubled by the implications

Roary47 I‘m just impressed that news is traveling faster this time. It normally takes forever to get news to our other POVs. The names in Davos‘ POV I‘m having trouble remembering the most. 3mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 there was one person he was talking to to that I was like “ok, thanks, whoever you are” 😅 but happy to help with any of the others 😂 3mo
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BooksNBowls Why does no one care about the wildings?! 3mo
5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls it seems so far away so it must be someone else‘s problem. Unfortunately not much different from how we (society/the US/the average person in the West) react to global events. 3mo
BethM @5feet.of.fury I think you nailed it. 3mo
BooksNBowls @5feet.of.fury great point! 3mo
Bklover This was one of those chapters where I kept thinking “I hope this part isn‘t too important because I am having a hard time with this.” Too many names that I know but can‘t place. 3mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Davos is brought before Stannis. Ser Axell has a plan, to attack Claw Isle for bending the knee after Blackwater. Stannis asks for Davos‘ opinion; he says most of the men died on Blackwater, they‘d punish innocent families for the choice of their leader. Stannis defends Melisandre pointing out to Davos all responsible for Blackwater, he doubts her role in Renly‘s death.Davos is made Hand. Edric Storm is sick &they are using his blood for rituals

BethM Melisandre is nuts and stannis is an idiot for falling for it, but there are moments- like him speaking of duty- where you‘re like this guy is just trying to be righteous in an f‘d up world. 3mo
Roary47 I‘m having trouble comprehending these chapters. I‘m glad you‘re bullet pointing what happens. I just like: what did I just read. 🤣 3mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 🤣 sometimes I‘m doing them thinking “I hope this is the important part” 🤣 occasionally I look at the wiki but I‘ve been for the most part keeping it to my own interpretation, but it‘s helpful it shows all the people & place & battles - https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/A_Storm_of_Swords-Chapter_36 3mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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He is still in the dungeon. But Maester Pylos has cured his sickness &he is fed. Melisandre visits, wants to use him for his strength& life-fire for another shadow. Melisandre says she saw Davos‘s plot in the flames. He asks if she knew the future why did she let them to go to KingsLanding? She blames it on Stannis &unbelievers
Stannis‘s Hand is then jailed with Davos. He says the War was lost that day, but Davos knows Stannis won‘t yield

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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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Davos swears vengeance against Melisandre. He is still recovering but he is treated well on the ship. Davos hears the rumors of Renley‘s shade. They arrive &he asks the see Stannis but is taken to Salladhor Saan who speaks to him about Illyrio. His son Devan survived. Davos blames Melisandre for orchestrating their failure, says he‘ll kill her. While entering the castle, Davos meets Robert‘s bastard Edric Storm before he is taken to the dungeon

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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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He seems to be the only survivor of the wildfire, able to swim under the chain because he didn‘t wear armor, but is now sick &isolated in a cave. Weak from hunger, thirst & exposure, &with his sons dead he considers walking into the water &ending it. Despairing, he prays to the Mother who reminds him of how he contributed to Melisandre‘s deeds.
He calls to the passing ship, the Mother reminding him of his wife & king & not to forget his own gods.

BethM Kinda hoping his new desire to live is so he can kill Melisandre. 4mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM yesssss same 4mo
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Sargar114 Grrm does a really good job of letting you experience Davis‘ despair almost where you‘re willing to understand why he would end it all so that when he calls out to the ship you are truly hopeful in the end. 4mo
HeyT Oooh this POV character may bring me back in because I was going to just live vicariously through the posts instead of reading the books now that the two on my challenge list were finished. But Davos and Lady Olena are calling. 4mo
5feet.of.fury @HeyT 🗡️🧅 the onion knight will be here for you. 4mo
5feet.of.fury @Sargar114 agreed, & that he heard The Mother speak to him, telling him he‘s been too passive to Melisandre‘s witchery, feels like a huge turning point in his motivation. 4mo
Roary47 Poor guy 😢 I‘m glad we get to see more of him because he didn‘t give up. I hope he has some epic moments in the future. 💛 4mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Davos is in his element in the war fleet on Blackwater Bay, he recalls his smuggling days. Their enemy lures them close. Davos smells a trap. But their archers take out Joff‘s army. Ships ram eachother. Then they are assaulted by wildfire. Lannisters planted a ship full &when it is struck by The Swordfish it erupts. Davos‘s ship goes up &he‘s in the water. Lannisters have raised the chain & trapped the ships & any survivors behind a wall of flame.

Roary47 In the next book I‘m going to have a checklist of each character. It might spoil a bit, but pretty sure this is the last Davos chapter. 😱 What‘s going to happen to him will hopefully be mentioned in another chapter. Not that he‘s a favorite, but we are nearing the end. (I‘m probably going to finish it today since the battles keep me at the edge of my seat) 5mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 a couple posts down under the #readingschedule hashtag is the schedule & it shows the characters plotted out, I was worried about it being spoilers, but you have to put in effort to read my chicken scratch so 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 5mo
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Roary47 Ooo yay thank you! My ebook doesn‘t let me see the chapters. I‘m on Jan 5th now. 🤩 So much exciting stuff is happening. That last chapter is the biggest spoiler. 🫣 (edited) 5mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 luckily we know at this point, that would have been a big one! 5mo
HeyT This chapter made me sad because I kind of liked Davos 5mo
5feet.of.fury @HeyT same, I hate Stannis, but Davos is never scheming, his agenda is really straight forward & there‘s something to be said for that. 5mo
BethM No way this is the last we see of him. Come on man, should‘ve listened to his gut! Also, guys were totally keeping this up for the next book right?! 5mo
Bklover @BethM I sure hope so! I‘m ready! 5mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM @Bklover we will for sure! Probably take a week or 2 in case anyone fell behind over the holidays & wants to catch up, but I‘ll post a schedule in the next couple days! 5mo
BethM Yaaaassssss 5mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Stannis meets Ser Cortnay to get him to surrender Storm‘s End &Edric Storm (Robert‘s bastard)Stannis‘s men spread rumors that Brienne killed Renly. Stannis tells Davos he dreamt of Renly‘s death,says Renly brought it about by his treason. Davos tries to direct Stannis to KingsLanding where their true enemies are. Stannis worries it will look like defeat. Davos is sent with Melisandre to set Cortnay‘s fate, where she gives birth to Stannis‘s shadow

Bklover Can you imagine what went through Davos‘ head when Melisandre “delivers” the shadow?! 😲😱🤯 6mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover truly disturbing to say the least. This was such an odd chapter 6mo
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BooksNBowls So in the show she only birthed one shadow baby, which killed Renley. Now she‘s birthed another for Ser Cortnay. Interesting.. 6mo
BooksNBowls @Bklover poor fella didn‘t know what he was getting himself into 🫣 6mo
BethM This is just super F‘d up 😳 6mo
Roary47 @Bklover I was just like… what did I just read? @5feet.of.fury I read it twice because I wasn‘t quite sure what I read. Creepy and weird… I second that @BethM 6mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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The red woman is performing a ritual, burning the 7 gods & calling on the Lord of Light. Davos is uneasy.
He heads to an inn to get the news of what is happening in Kings Landing &strategize with a pirate. Stannis writes his proclamation to lay claim for the Iron Throne. Davos attempts to give him counsel, about the harshness & unfounded statements in the proclamation & about Cressen &the red woman. Stannis says that the 7 never answered him.

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