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I haven't read many books about #SAndM, but I like Anne Rice, so I'll probably read this series at some point. #BookLove17

heatherspoetlife Just a warning, a lot of it is more rape than S and M. Sleeping Beauty may be into it but she rarely has the opportunity to give consent. Although it is set in a time when consent wasn't considered much, but I don't remember it being well addressed either. 8y
JacintaMCarter @StoredFeminism That's disappointing. I might just skip this series then. 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction Oh hey. I reviewed this book too 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction It must be under a duplicate book profile. 8y
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#SandM = Sarah and MacLean, right? #BookLove17

Jas16 Lol! 👏 8y
MeganAnn 👏🏻😂👍🏻 8y
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When in doubt about a topic, today's #sandm, be creative like @Celeste57 and rely on your fave author, mine being James Rollins. Skull is one of his preteen books and Map, another excellent action adventure book from his excellent Sigma series. I figured a subject about Bones couldn't hurt for today's topic either. Sorry, though, little to no romance. #booklove17 really applies to my fave author!

Celeste57 Well done! I know I don't have any actual say in the matter, but I totally think our picks for #sandm should count for #booklove17. 😜 8y
LibrarianRyan @Celeste57 hey, if you can explain it, I'm all for it. 🤓👍 8y
Texreader @LibrarianRyan @Celeste57 And that is the loveliest thing about Litsy, the live and let live attitude! Thanks @LibrarianRyan! I'm a huge fan of your challenges. 8y
Celeste57 Yay for leniency! 😜 8y
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Spanked! | Richard Savage, Cara Bristol, Starla Kaye
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Just a little bit naughty... #SandM #BookLove2017

Megabooks 👍🏻🤣 8y
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Sovereign | Ted Dekker
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I don't do erotica, or even much romance outside of Nora Roberts, so do books that start with an S and an M count for #sandm? #booklove17

Texreader That was going to be my plan! We'll see. 8y
Celeste57 @Texreader Haha, good to know I won't be alone in my method!! 😂 8y
LibrarianRyan Works for me. 🤓👍 8y
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Celeste57 @LibrarianRyan Hooray! 🎉 Thanks! By the way, this is my first time doing one of your photo challenges, and it's been a blast! 8y
LibrarianRyan @Celeste57 thank you. My next one will be a character challenge. Probably around Easter. 8y
Celeste57 @LibrarianRyan That sounds like fun. I'll be keeping an eye out for it! 😉 8y
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Filosofia En El Tocador | Marques De Sade
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The Torture Garden | Octave Mirbeau
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Sheesh, thought I was going to have to wait for this prompt forever! #SandM #booklove17

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Quid Pro Quo | Manna Francis
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I obviously have to post for the #SandM tag! But the book I first thought of isn't in the Litsy database, so here's another Administration book! If you like weird romance/erotica and M/M and you still haven't read it, then I'm... just very confused 🤷‍♀️ #booklove17

Fifty Shades of Grey | E. L. James
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I feel like I need to post this for #SandM but with the following disclaimers:

1. It's widely acknowledged that these books do not have accurate descriptions of S&M relationships.

2. I really know nothing about real S&M relationships, and I'm ok with that.

3. These books are widely hated (21% positive on Litsy).

4. I devoured them and loved them anyway.


AnnaDesourdy Haha great post! To each her own…I couldn't make it through the first hundred pages before literally throwing it across the room because I was so exasperated by the made-up words. I heard the second and third books get better but I just couldn't. 8y
Pinkmeghan 💯 agree. These captured my attention at a dark period of my own life, and I love them for it. 8y
Mariposa_Bookworm I really didn't care for the first one, but still feel compelled to read the other two. How weird is that?!?! 8y
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sprainedbrain @AnnaDesourdyAuthor @Mariposa_Bookworm I'm not going to say they got a whole lot better, and the writing really made me roll my eyes quite a bit, but sometimes I need to know what happens next, and end up enjoying what many consider to be a bad book. 😃 8y
Peddler410 Never had an interest. Still don't. Glad you enjoyed them! 8y
AmandaL These are some of my grandma's favorite books (and she reads a ton)! 8y
Ashley_Nicoletto I devoured them as well! 8y
Mariposa_Bookworm @AmandaL Your Gram sounds like fun!! 8y
Mariposa_Bookworm I would suggest that if you like erotic fiction to give Emma Holly a try. I had to read Fairyville for an Undergrad English elective and wow 😳 8y
AmandaL @Mariposa_Bookworm Well, she's definitely never boring 😆 8y
mjdowens Yeah, I too read them all. Had no idea what it was about when I started, but then I just had to find out what else they could possibly do. I did say "OH" and "NO WAY, don't do that" a lot?? 8y
Bette I couldn't finish, but it wasn't the sex...that crazy inner goddess tap dancing around drove me nuts. 😂😂😂 8y
sprainedbrain @Bette yeah, that's where the eye rolling comes in. 🙄🤣 8y
JenniferJarrell @Bette You've got it there - out of all the many, many, many faults of that series, the inner goddess was by far the biggest. Gag. 8y
LibrarianRyan You know what, i never shame anything for what they read. That being Said, you need more erotica recomendations, i can cover that. Ive read more than i should provably admit. 8y
sprainedbrain @Mariposa_Bookworm @LibrarianRyan I really haven't read very much erotica, so recommendations are more than welcome! 8y
LibrarianRyan @sprainedbrain the one i like to start newbie on is attached. I like it because its all about a woman finding what she liked. And learning empowerment. 8y
sprainedbrain @LibrarianRyan thank you! I will check this out. 8y
Bibliogirl Her referring to her genitals as "down there" and her complete perplexity at how to use email were just the start of my problems with this book (didn't read the next two). 8y
SimoneSowood Those are the books that inspired me to start writing😏 8y
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