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The Ivy Tree | Mary Stewart
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Mrs Bates
She‘s a bit much ..
What is her story I wonder???

Travelogue https://tracystravelsintime.com/2018/10/16/10-beautiful-places-to-visit-in-north...

AmyG Seems like she really cared for Annabel and was mad she left but-seems to be warming up to her. 8mo
Karisa She reminded me of the cook on Downton Abbey or the head nurse/matron in Silence for the Dead. Caring but also tough. I trust the Bates more than Lisa and Con. At least Lisa/Con have taken good care of Whitescar though. 8mo
Karisa (That photo is gorgeous! 😍) 8mo
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TheBookHippie @Karisa That is a good comparison ! 8mo
Deblovestoread She seemed genuinely hurt that Annabel left the way she did. 8mo
vonnie862 @Karisa I was thinking of Downtown Abbey too! 8mo
vonnie862 Mrs. Bates was hurt and may have shield in front of her now that "Annabel" is back. 8mo
mollyrotondo I can‘t stand Mrs Bates. Just going on and on talking and making Julie uncomfortable in front of her new beau when that other guy called on the telephone. Yeah she‘s a bit much 🙄 8mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I do not like her! 8mo
vlwelser Do I have the wrong schedule? Julie didn't turn up yet for me. 8mo
mcctrish @vlwelser I am thinking the same thing. There was a part last week too that had me thinking I hadn‘t read far enough and I have checked and double checked #amilosingmymind? (edited) 8mo
vlwelser @mcctrish do you also have the giant one with Moonspinners in it? I think the editions might be different somehow. 8mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish @vlwelser I‘m thinking with all the editions and UK and US - we may be off 😵‍💫 4-7 this past week this coming week 8- 11 … I even have two versions here both the same 🤦🏻‍♀️ it‘ll be a wild ride 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 8mo
mcctrish @vlwelser I‘m reading on my kindle but how do they set the book differently? That‘s dumb but I‘ve got Julie arriving tomorrow so it‘s happening regardless 8mo
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie @mcctrish @vlwelser My Kindle version is so off! My hold print did come in & I picked it up at the library but it‘s one of those really old oddly stained books that makes me a bit nervous to read. I‘m going to stop & catch up before I answer more questions. (According to it my Kindle is two chapters behind. )😬 But back to the subject, I am ok with Mrs. Bates—she seems caring. As @Karisa said I trust her more than Lisa & Con. 8mo
Karisa @DebinHawaii @mcctrish @vlwelser @TheBookHippie Oh! I thought it was just me with the haven‘t seen Julie yet. I‘m reading on a Kindle too and chapter 7 ends at just 36% of the way into the book. 😜 8mo
DebinHawaii @Karisa Yeah, if you read through Chapter 9 on Kindle, then that is the end of Chapter 7 in the book. Mine at least is 2 off. It‘s at 47% with the 2 additional chapters. 8mo
Karisa @DebinHawaii Wowza! That‘s a big difference. I‘ll go by the percentage next week. Thank you! 8mo
vlwelser Does this mean @TheBookHippie has an edited version? I can't even tell what we got that was extra. 8mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I have no clue. 😝 I have two US published books one from the library from 1962 and one from Chicago Press. What am I missing???? This is so ODD. I am tempted to order a UK copy but it'd get here too late!! LOLOLOLOL. 8mo
mcctrish @karisa we are reading the same version I think, I just got to chapter 9 last night and Julie has arrived 8mo
Karisa @mcctrish Yes! Me too. I‘m liking Julie and Donald too. They feel more normal than the others lol 8mo
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June 9-15

I was mostly home this past week so I read, read, read. My upcoming we will be different as I am visiting my sister & brother-in-law in NH. Hiking, blueberry picking, etc.
I‘m staying on track with buddy reads Jewish Philosophy,Messy Lives,A Room, Wolf Hall #deadphilosopherssociety #sundsybuddyread #pemberlittens #bookedintime
Started the Murder of ProfessorSchlick,The Night Gate
On the Virginia Woolf chapter in A Life🔽

kspenmoll 🔼 Finished Friday Night Club, listed to 2 chapters in Broken Ground (edited) 11mo
Cuilin Enjoy NH. I‘m in Keene. 11mo
Cinfhen Enjoy your upcoming trip 😁 11mo
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kspenmoll @Cuilin My sister lives in Rindge. (edited) 11mo
kspenmoll @Cinfhen Very excited! My sister & her husband just moved last fall from Omaha, Nebraska so it‘s a joy to have then just 2 hours away! 11mo
Cuilin @kspenmoll oh my gosh so close. Will you hike Mount Monadnock? If you get to Keene I recommend Toadstool bookstore, there‘s one in Peterborough too. Have a wonderful trip. 11mo
Cinfhen Oh that‘s great! 11mo
kspenmoll @Cuilin We did visit the Toadstool bookstore in Peterborough-spent a morning there! 10mo
kspenmoll @Cuilin My son viewed Mount Monadnock from the summit of the Rhododendron State Park Trail/ hike. I stopped just short of the summit. ☹️ 10mo
Cuilin @kspenmoll yeah my husband and daughters summit but as soon as I hit the rock face I stop. I just can‘t. I love Rhododendron State Park. Nice easy walk. 10mo
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Essie Starling
Recluse last decade
Then has Liv finish her book..🤯
Would you do it??

Also it‘s just rude the author calling me out about my doc martins and flowered tea dresses of the 90s
👀 I miss those dresses😂😅♥️

AmyG I keep questioning whether Essie is truly dead. Something does not sit right and I can‘t wait to find out what. Would I do it? I am not sure I could. I think Liv will knock the ball out of the park! 11mo
TheBookHippie @AmyG SAME!!! I don‘t think she‘s dead! 11mo
vlwelser @AmyG OMG I didn't even think of this option. 11mo
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vlwelser Also, what else were you supposed to wear in the 90s? This didn't spark my radar. 11mo
Sargar114 @AmyG I wonder if that what it is??? I‘m finding myself struggling to suspend disbelief enough to buy into what is happening in this story. 11mo
kspenmoll @AmyG @TheBookHippie Wow! That never occurred to me!!!! Now that would be nasty but she comes across that way… 11mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser ha I wore mostly nursing scrubs I worked full time plus 90-99 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫otherwise I was in flowered dresses dark tights doc martins and a jean jacket 😂👀 11mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser my first reaction 😵‍💫😂🤷🏻‍♀️that she‘s not really dead. (edited) 11mo
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I‘m just going with it‘s July fluff. 11mo
vlwelser These outfits are cute. Why can't this be a trend that comes back? Though I'm definitely embracing the bell bottom trend atm. 11mo
Sargar114 @TheBookHippie luckily it‘s a seemingly quick read 11mo
megnews @AmyG @vlwelser I didn‘t think of this option either! 🤔 11mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘ve always worn bell bottoms 😂 currently I have some again with fun patterns. 👀 (edited) 11mo
DanaManiac I didn‘t think of Essie not being dead BUT that does lone up with why I find this so odd. The request seems misaligned with the relationship she had with Liv, at least from what we were shown. I think her lawyer‘s reaction convinced me she was dead, but perhaps not! 11mo
AmyG I think Essie and the lawyer are in on some secret. Is the lawyer Essie‘s secret love? Is Essie in rehab? All while knowing she NEEDS to finish the book and her way out of this dilemma is to have Liv finish for her (knowing Liv lives her books?). (edited) 11mo
OriginalCyn620 First off, there‘s nothing wrong with Doc Martens and flowery dresses! I don‘t care what anyone says. 😂 same for bell bottoms 11mo
OriginalCyn620 @AmyG I didn‘t consider that option either! Now that would be something if she were still alive! Would Essie go that far just to get her last book written? She was clearly struggling with it. And the whole request for Liv to finish the book was odd considering their relationship. I‘m intrigued! 11mo
CatLass007 I also suspect that Essie is not dead. I‘m trying to remember what I was wearing in the 90s. I don‘t think I‘ve ever owned a pair of Doc Martens, and those little flippy dresses are cute on other people. I can‘t imagine wearing them to work. 11mo
Deblovestoread I thought the same but they went to a lot of trouble to make Liv believe she died. 11mo
TheBookHippie @CatLass007 I still own and wear my doc martins 🙃. 11mo
CatLass007 @TheBookHippie Whatever makes you comfortable. That‘s what really matters. 11mo
DebinHawaii Although I‘ve never been a doc marten & flowery dress person, I fully support it in others in the 90s & today.😆 I thought about Essie not being dead but I‘m on the fence about it as it seems like there are easier ways to get Liv writing the book while Essie is drying out somewhere or recovering. Also, I feel like the lawyer is either related to Essie-a secret son or a nephew or is related to her secret love. I don‘t feel like he‘s the lover. 11mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii ooooo secret child!!!! 11mo
Catsandbooks Everything comes back into style, so as long as you like something I say wear it whenever you want! 11mo
Catsandbooks As for Essie theories, I have no idea! 11mo
IndoorDame I miss my Docs!!! 11mo
IndoorDame I hope Essie isn‘t dead. If only because I have too many unanswered questions about her! 11mo
IndoorDame I probably would try to finish the book. How fun! 11mo
mollyrotondo I still wear my Doc Martins lol and I was wearing flower dresses with black tights like 10 years ago so exactly @Catsandbooks everything comes back into style. 11mo
mollyrotondo My first thought was that Essie is not dead. How can you hide someone's death for 6 months? It doesn't make sense. And how would a dying woman after a surgery gone wrong be able to think of this plan? She cannot be dead. I think if I loved a series of books and a character so much and felt like the books had taken a bad turn, I would definitely be able to finish the series. I would need it edited by a professional for sure though lol 11mo
CoffeeAndABook I agree with @IndoorDame - I hope Essie‘s not dead! That would make for an interesting plot twist. There are so many hard-to-believe events already, why not another 😂 which I don‘t mind, btw. 11mo
CoffeeAndABook … and of course docs+flowery dresses is a look that I always have and always will love. Although I couldn‘t really pull it off for some reason - and I HAVE tried 🥴 11mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤯 because I didn't even question Essie's death. I am also bummed that she's dead (or in hiding) because even though she was generally aloof and borderline mean, she was interesting. I think her lawyer might be her son. It sounds like Liv has been working for Essie a few years. They've talked about books. Liv clearly had a passion for the Georgina character, & maybe Essie had a feeling something might go wrong. Boom. Contingency plan. 11mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Plus this is a way to nudge Liv toward her real passion. She may have been one of Essie's only confidantes and there may be some respect there cute Liv's hard work. While the Docs & flowery dresses didn't work for me, I wish it did because I'd still rock it today. 11mo
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The Mountains Wild: A Mystery | Sarah Stewart Taylor
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Eggs Great stack!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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I am not one for legal books, fiction or non-fiction, but I joined in on the #SundsyBuddyRead. This is very thorough, giving us some background about the Borden family and the aftermath of those vicious murders. We move to details of the court case, with day by day descriptions of the case and includes black & white photos of the crime scenes, and closes with the verdict and a brief aftermath. This is DENSE. Well researched, but lots of names ⬇️

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