They let us board, two hours late, but there is a storm so now we just sit here on the tarmac waiting. And reading. I should have brought more books!! Oh darn! I may have to buy more! #readerprobs #booknerd #flightdelay #thunderstorm
They let us board, two hours late, but there is a storm so now we just sit here on the tarmac waiting. And reading. I should have brought more books!! Oh darn! I may have to buy more! #readerprobs #booknerd #flightdelay #thunderstorm
Would like to share w everyone that I only have three entire books out of the library!! This is a big deal for the person who, earlier this year, had 138 checked out at one time 😭😭
In a reading slump and struggling to get out! #readersos #readerprobs #bookspines #bookworm
When you have packing to do but you just got sucked in to a new series.... The Lying Game was so good! By the end my heart was pounding, I was reading faster and faster, like that would somehow sate me. Now I have the series checked out on overdrive and I don‘t want to finish unpacking from the Holidays during Ethan‘s naptime... ugh #readerprobs
So, as a reward for my hard work (as mentioned in my last post) this reading time is brought to you by Ethan's morning nap 😴❤️❤️
This has DEFINITELY picked up and I'm kind of annoyed I didn't wait longer to read it because book two is scheduled for 2018?! Ugh #readerprobs
Bad idea to start this on a Sunday evening when I have to get up at 5:00am tomorrow to start my work week...
Don't want to put this one down. #ReaderProbs #Sleepisoverrated #Wouldratherbereading