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Dance of Death | Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
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They let us board, two hours late, but there is a storm so now we just sit here on the tarmac waiting. And reading. I should have brought more books!! Oh darn! I may have to buy more! #readerprobs #booknerd #flightdelay #thunderstorm

Itchyfeetreader Safe travels 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Would like to share w everyone that I only have three entire books out of the library!! This is a big deal for the person who, earlier this year, had 138 checked out at one time 😭😭

Smangela 138 is incredibly impressive. My crazy stat is that I had The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood renewed 20 times and had to go in to the circulation desk to have them check it in and check it back out for me. EMBARRASSING. 😂😂😂 6y
queerbookreader @Smangela HAHAHAHA THATS HILARIOUS!! we don't have any check out limits at my county system but we're only allowed to renew something three times and then have to cough it up back to them 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Wow! Good for you! And holy cow 138!!! 6y
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Smangela @queerbookreader I was like “I promise, I‘ll read this RIGHT NOW.” 😂😂 6y
queerbookreader @Smangela my library once in a while forgets to scan something back in and I'd have to have them check my account and delete the overdue fine and sometimes I would get a "WOW that's a lot" I would be like "s2g i'm gonna read them all pls stop judging me" 6y
queerbookreader @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ya!! No limits on books but there's a 10 item limit for media items 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @queerbookreader I‘m impressed, we have a much much lower limit. 6y
DivineDiana Cheers to your self control! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
Caterina My library has a limit of 25 and only one renewal... And no cheating by checking it in and back out at the desk... The agony 6y
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The Hazel Wood | Melissa Albert
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In a reading slump and struggling to get out! #readersos #readerprobs #bookspines #bookworm

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The Lying Game | Sara Shepard
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When you have packing to do but you just got sucked in to a new series.... The Lying Game was so good! By the end my heart was pounding, I was reading faster and faster, like that would somehow sate me. Now I have the series checked out on overdrive and I don‘t want to finish unpacking from the Holidays during Ethan‘s naptime... ugh #readerprobs

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So, as a reward for my hard work (as mentioned in my last post) this reading time is brought to you by Ethan's morning nap 😴❤️❤️

This has DEFINITELY picked up and I'm kind of annoyed I didn't wait longer to read it because book two is scheduled for 2018?! Ugh #readerprobs

8leagueboot Haha I am feeling the burn of having to wait on an ambiguous release date for a year out... 7y
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Bad idea to start this on a Sunday evening when I have to get up at 5:00am tomorrow to start my work week...

Don't want to put this one down. #ReaderProbs #Sleepisoverrated #Wouldratherbereading

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