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Finally, as part of my year end wrap up, here are the 30 books I read from the #1001books list in 2019. It‘s not quite as many as I was hoping for, but I did manage to read my #Reading1001 #TBRTakedown book every month, a few of the books of the month for that group, a few with Litsy readalongs, and a few random choices.

#1001Discoveries #Genji #Hugonuts #ReadColdBlood
#2019Stats #ReadingStats

Scochrane26 I would try some of the list or other lists, but there‘s just some books I‘m never going to be willing to read. It‘s a great goal though, & I have worked on more classics. 4y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻❣️#TBRtakedown 😁 4y
Daisey @Scochrane26 Thanks, and I completely understand. I will never get through all of these, and there are some I have no desire to read. I like that it gives me a wide variety of books to read and an interesting group of people with whom to discuss those books. 4y
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CafeMom Great graphic. I wish I could do that. 4y
Daisey @CafeMom This is actually just a screenshot of my bookshelf on Goodreads in cover grid format on a square background. I lucked out that I read 30 books and it came out in even rows. 4y
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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I finished out November with 16 completed books. I enjoyed them, but I doubt any will make my best reads for the year. I think In Cold Blood for #ReadColdBlood probably tops the list due to vivid writing and good discussion. Until Tomorrow, Mr. Marsworth was also an unexpectedly wonderful read.

For my weekly #BookReport, I finished 6 books and will share those specific titles tomorrow as I decide what to read next.

#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats

JazzFeathers Wow! That's a great result. 5y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Yes, I was surprised when I looked at the total. I didn‘t realize I had read that much. 5y
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I enjoyed this book, but I will qualify my review in that I‘m not sure I would have enjoyed it as much completely on its own. I started it immediately after In Cold Blood and the chapters about Lee‘s research with Capote on that case and his writing were the most interesting to me. The other case was interesting, but there really isn‘t a full resolution, to the case or the story of her own true crime book.

#ReadColdBlood #audiobook #nonfiction

Daisey Also it was a beautiful afternoon for an #audiowalk with Eleanor. 5y
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Chapter 18 is all about the time Lee spent with Capote doing research for In Cold Blood. According to this chapter, at the end of their time in Kansas she provided him with over 150 pages of detailed notes, much of this being information he may not have been able to gather on his own from people more inclined to talk to her than to him.


Daisey @merelybookish @batsy @Texreader @readordierachel @Suet624 Thought you might be specifically interested in this detail. 5y
Daisey Chapter 20 mentions inaccuracies and fictionalized aspects of In Cold Blood. (edited) 5y
charl08 I don't understand why she didn't get a writing credit. 5y
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Daisey @charl08 This book also mentions that Lee did not appreciate Capote‘s straying from the facts of the the story. It makes me wonder if maybe that played a part. 5y
merelybookish Wow! That's no small contribution! Any idea who might have talked to her and not him? (It did interest me to imagine the response to aesthete eccentric Capote in Holcomb society.) 5y
Daisey @merelybookish I tagged you in my previous post that has excerpted material from the book. It sums up any other quotes I would share pretty well. 5y
readordierachel That's practically a book right there! 5y
batsy That's a pretty substantial contribution! I agree with @charl08 it feels like a co-authored book. I'm definitely going to have to read this soon! 5y
Daisey @readordierachel @batsy Absolutely! From the description, these were also very detailed notes and even included diagrams. Additionally, I found it interesting she took notes during the trial, but he did not. 5y
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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I‘m so glad I joined in the readalong for this book! I‘m not a big true crime reader, but I truly appreciated this story and the discussion so far. Truman Capote is a fantastic writer, making you feel that you‘re right alongside as events are happening. At the same time, I‘m really curious as to how much his own involvement at the time influences the story and the actual accuracy of some aspects, although it‘s impossible to ever know for sure.

batsy Yes! Nice review. Capote's writing is so vivid. 5y
readordierachel I'm really curious about that, too. Great review! 5y
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readordierachel Can't wait to hear what you think of that one! 5y
CafeMom This reminds me to ask my son if he likes the book. His English class is reading this now. 5y
merelybookish Glad you joined us. I'm also not a true crime fan so it was interesting to read this one that seems different from how I imagine typical true crime reads. But that difference is also what potentially makes it problematic. 5y
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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I can understand why this nonfiction novel broke boundaries & continues to affect readers. Capote's writing is assured & beautiful even for such a heavy subject. Like @merelybookish I'm curious about his writing process. It left me wanting to know more about Capote as a writer & the form of male violence this book looks at. My only issue is that my attention sometimes flagged when reading, but I reminded myself that this isn't "entertainment". ⬇️

batsy True crime always raises these questions for me; as a reader I'm pulled in by the narrative momentum, but then I feel uncomfortable when I think about the implications of reading about what happened to real people as though it's a crime novel. I sense that Capote wrestled with these questions as a writer. Thanks for giving me the motivation to read this @merelybookish @readordierachel #readcoldblood Good to read with a group @Daisey @Texreader 5y
Cinfhen Wonderful review 5y
erzascarletbookgasm You make me want to read this! 👏 Great review, as always. 😘 5y
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twohectobooks I‘ve had this one on my tbr for quite a long time. Good to hear your perspective! 5y
Billypar @batsy Excellent review! I haven't read In Cold Blood, but I felt the same way after Killers of the Flower Moon. I just finished Maggie Nelson's The Red Parts, which raises some interesting questions about the range of responses to violent crime, referencing true crime writing when she refers back to her prior book, Jane. 5y
Oldschool_millenial I read this book senior year of high school and we talked about Capote's process. My English class also watched the movie "Capote" (stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, highly recommend). I think it is mentioned in a note in the book that, remarkably, he didn't use any recording devices nor take notes when he interviewed people. He relied on his (allegedly) remarkable memory. 5y
Texreader I‘ve been “flagging” too while reading it. Glad I am not alone. 5y
Hamlet There‘s an excellent but neglected film with Toby Jones called “Infamous” that covers the same ground as the Philip Seymour Hoffman film. Also, it‘s worth looking at George Plimpton‘s oral biography called “Truman Capote” (which interviews many persons who knew him, supporters & critics) along with Gerald Clarke‘s biography, “Capote.” 5y
Reviewsbylola Your insight is so valuable. As an avid true crime reader, I totally get where you‘re coming from. And ICB is so interesting because of the relationship Capote formed with the murderers and how is suffused itself into his writing. It‘s clear he had a soft spot for Perry, so it leaves questions for the reader to grapple with. Did Perry deserve Capote‘s empathy? 5y
batsy @twohectobooks Thanks! I'd love to know your thoughts when you read it. 5y
Reviewsbylola @bedcloud/the-destructive-bond-between-capote-and-smith-558929e4127a" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://medium.com/@bedcloud/the-destructive-bond-between-capote-and-smith-55892... This is a very interesting read. 5y
batsy @Billypar Thank you! Killers of The Flower Moon is in my list, but I'm steeling myself because I know it's a tough topic. I'm so keen to read The Red Parts as well! 5y
batsy @Oldschool_millenial That is pretty amazing! I've heard a lot of about Capote in relation to this book because of how popular it is, but I realise I don't know many details, as such. I hope to watch Capote at some point. 5y
batsy @Texreader I'm glad to know I'm not alone, too! I think I struggled a bit after the first half. 5y
batsy @Hamlet Thank you for that! I've made note about Infamous but didn't know which books to check out, so I appreciate the recs! 5y
batsy @Reviewsbylola Thank you for that link. I'm going to check that out. I appreciated how Capote tried to humanise people that we might be inclined to think of as pure evil. At the same time, I'm sure his relationship with Perry would have affected how he portrayed him...there's always that risk of getting too close. 5y
Suet624 Didn‘t Harper Lee help him write this book? 5y
youneverarrived Excellent review 🙌 5y
merelybookish Wow! Great review and discussion! 5y
readordierachel Fabulous review, Suba! I'm having that same kind of discomfort. Even as I appreciate what a feat this novel is, I'm reminded of why I don't read true crime. 5y
readordierachel @Suet624 Yes! She help with the research, and I believe she helped edit the book as well. 5y
batsy @youneverarrived @merelybookish Thank you, ladies ❤️ 5y
batsy @readordierachel Thank you! I think this is why I haven't made much progress on true crime myself. I'm fascinated by a lot of true crime books but the ones about murder and rape are tough reads. 5y
batsy @readordierachel @Suet624 I learned on Litsy that this book sheds a bit of light on this 5y
Suet624 Thanks! Stacked. 5y
Daisey @Reviewsbylola Fascinating article! Thanks for sharing. @batsy As always, great review! I also agree I‘m going to be continuing to do some more reading and watching to go along with this read. 5y
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Klotsvog | Margarita Khemlin
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Surprised myself & finished:
A Lost Lady for #catherbuddyread
In Cold Blood for #readcoldblood
Act 4 of King Lear for #ShakespeareReadAlong.

Litsy University is good for me 😆 Also started the #netgalley ARC of Klotsvog, a bleak yet funny portrait of a self-absorbed Jewish woman in the Soviet Union.


👑 To finish Act 5 & complete King Lear
💄 Continue with Klotsvog
🌸 Start Judith Hearne for #NYRBbookclub

JennyM You‘ve had a great week! Love seeing what everyone‘s read 😘 5y
batsy @JennyM Thank you ❤️ I enjoy seeing everyone's recaps too! 5y
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Cinfhen Me too @JennyM and of course my TBR is growing!!!!!! 5y
vivastory Litsy University 😂 5y
BarbaraBB Litsy University 🤣 5y
BarbaraBB It seems like someone on the other side of the world was thinking exactly the same thing at exactly the same time! 😀 @vivastory 5y
vivastory @BarbaraBB Great minds 🙂 5y
Cathythoughts Great week for you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Litsy University is exactly it. I‘m definitely on a learning curve sinse joining Litsy .... it‘s a blessing 👍🏻❤️ 5y
Cinfhen #LitsyUniversity is priceless and admission costs are beyond reasonable 🙌🏻🤓 5y
squirrelbrain Love #LitsyUniversity and entirely agree, I love being a student here! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Well done for the week! I love #LitsyUniversity too! I may want to be a student here for a long long time. 5y
batsy @Cathythoughts @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain @erzascarletbookgasm I love Litsy U 😁 It's like being in a fun, extremely motivating and engaging class 💖 5y
fleeting Really interested in that Moore book! 5y
rockpools Isn‘t ‘Surprised myself & finished...‘ the best feeling?! 5y
batsy @fleeting I'm looking forward! 5y
batsy @RachelO Yes! 😁 5y
Daisey I appreciate all the extra learning I get through Litsy University readalongs as well. Great way to put it! I never would have taken such a dive into further reading along with In Cold Blood otherwise. 5y
batsy @Daisey Yup! I've tackled a number of books that have been tbr for years via group reads here. Having others want to read a book is a great motivator, and the chats and posts are great :) 5y
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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I‘ve read before that Truman Capote and Harper Lee were good friends, so I was intrigued to read this article about her helping with so much of the research for the book.


I was especially interested in the mention of the night Dewey got the call about the arrest of the suspects since I just listened to that section of the book today.


Pruzy I was just going to say you should read Furious Hours if you wanted to learn more about their relationship writing In Cold Blood! 5y
Daisey @Pruzy So, did it have a decent amount of information about their work together on In Cold Blood? What did you think of it? I read rather mixed reviews and it seems mostly about another case, so I hadn‘t actually looked to see if it was available at my library or not yet. 5y
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batsy Thanks for the link! And I was interested in Furious Hours, so I'm definitely adding it to the pile. 5y
Pruzy @Daisey I thought the book was great. The “other” case that Furious Hours was about was the case that Harper Lee spent a great deal of time researching for her own version of In Cold Blood that was never published. Furious Hours is about half about that case and half about Harper Lee researching In Cold Blood and her own true crime book. 5y
Daisey @Pruzy Good to hear! My library has it on audio and I‘ve added it to the list. 5y
Pruzy @Daisey Yay! 5y
readordierachel Interesting article! Must check out Furious Hours next. 5y
CafeMom My son is reading this book for 11th grade English. I will be interested to see what he thinks. 5y
Daisey @merelybookish Did you read this article/excerpt? It pretty much sums up the impression that most people in Holcomb were more comfortable talking to Lee. 5y
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I, Robot | Isaac Asimov
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I finished 2 books in progress last weekend along with an impulse pick this week, The Kitchen.

📖 I‘ve reached Part Three of Sauron Defeated for #FellowshipofTolkien
🎧 Thoroughly enjoying listening to In Cold Blood for #ReadColdBlood

🎧 I plan to listen to Cat‘s Eye and/or Quackery once I finish my current audio
📖 Still haven‘t started The Darkdeep from my class library

howjessicareads Ooh I love how you formatted this! I may have to try something similar. 5y
Lcsmcat Cat‘s Eye is so good! 5y
Daisey @howjessreads Thanks! I like having one graphic I update from week to week by just moving and adding books. It‘s a fun way to show my reading progress. 5y
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Daisey @Lcsmcat Looking forward to it! 5y
Cinfhen Yes, graphics are fabulous!!! So concise and visually appealing 🤩 5y
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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I haven‘t had a chance to look into the process of writing this book as much as I might like yet, but based on what I have read these lines caught my attention. It seems that Truman Capote might have felt somewhat the same as he researched and wrote about these murders.

#ReadColdBlood #1001books

batsy I haven't had much of a chance to do research on his process, either, though I'm really curious! I'm hoping to watch both Capote and Infamous when I'm done. 5y
merelybookish I know! It's hard not to have lots of questions about the writing of this book! And like @batsy I'm hoping to watch the biopics! 5y
Daisey After reading more about Capote and Harper Lee‘s contribution to the research, I‘m going to guess he felt more this way about the murderers themselves. 5y
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