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Hamlet, Prince of Robots | M. Darusha Wehm
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Elsinore Robotics maker of humanoid androids powered by true artificial intelligence are continually in competition with their rival, Norwegian Technologies. The last public contest was between their model, Fortinbras, and Elsinore‘s HAM(let) v.1 & Hamlet was victorious. Shortly afterwards he was found deactivated at Elsinore, possibly by rogue malware. Hamlet v.2 mourns the loss of his progenitor, & he becomes obsessed by thoughts of revenge.

OutsmartYourShelf A retelling of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' with the lead character an android rather than flesh & blood. The book looks at what is means to be human, about free will & choice. It mostly works quite well. I haven't read the original play but, like Cher Horowitz in Clueless, I've seen the Mel Gibson film version, so I knew what was coming & who the characters were. 7mo
OutsmartYourShelf It's a quick read at just under 170 pages for the Kindle version so it doesn't outstay its welcome. An intriguing take. 3.5🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5721280995
Read 30th-31st Oct 2023

Readathons 210 pts
Post 1pt
Words 220 pts
Genre 10 pts

Total 441 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

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TheSpineView Great job! 7mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
24 likes6 comments
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Hannah has some misgivings as she leaves for a luxury weekend away with her husband, her brother Mako & his wife, & best friend Cricket & new squeeze. As the six friends arrive, the weather changes & the group are stuck in the isolated cabin. Furthermore there's something a bit off with their rental owner & the house has a tragic backstory. As the weather cools outside, inside tempers heat up, & it seems someone has a deadly agenda. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf This author's books seem to be a bit hit & miss for me: I really liked Under My Skin but wasn't keen on Last Girl Ghosted. This one sits in the middle, it's quite good but I didn't really like it much. The characters are necessarily mostly unlikeable & the reader experiences most events through Hannah's eyes but the second strand of the story which is told by a character called Henry takes you out of the secret-filled cabin which dilutes the 7mo
OutsmartYourShelf tension. The stories do eventually dovetail but it only partly works. 3⭐

TWs: self-harm, infidelity, miscarriage, drug use, violence, animal cruelty/death.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4804684971
Read 27th-30th Oct 2023

Readathons 600 pts
Post 1pt
Words 2370 pts
Genre 10 pts

Total 2981 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 7mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 7mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
30 likes7 comments
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A book of 13 haunting stories which all involve fishing of some description. Now I'm not the least bit interested in fishing but I do like a book which deals with hauntings & water. These were mostly a mixed bag, with the one about a Victorian serial killer, & another about a group of friends out fishing in a boat with a broken radio being the standouts for me. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf None of them were particularly chilling but some have the reader tempted to 'bite' only to deliver a sting in the tail. If you are a keen fisher then these may appeal to you a little more. 3⭐

My thanks to #NetGalley & publisher, Cranthorpe Millner Publishers, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5922816112
Read 24th-26th Oct 2023
(edited) 7mo
TheSpineView Well done! 7mo
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Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 7mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
27 likes6 comments
The Dark | Linda Cargill
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Bianca wakes up in hospital & is confused as to how she got there. She is told that she was babysitting, someone broke in & killed the maid, Mrs Ingersoll, & tried to kidnap baby Katie. Bianca grabbed Katie & ran to get help but can't remember any of this. Now she is terrified of the dark but when her memory starts to return, the killer is worried that Bianca will be able to identify them & decides to shut her up for good. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf I think this is possibly the worst book in the Point Horror series. I've read most of them & I can't remember another that made me want to speedread through it like this did. Almost no characterisation, everyone was really shouty, prone to sudden violence, & really weird. Very much doubt I will bother with the sequel. 1⭐

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5937920166
Read 28th - 29th Oct 2023

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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 7mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 7mo
Andrew65 Oh no 😔 7mo
25 likes7 comments
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Maddie has had an inkling she may be a witch since she was little. She is able to see people's short-term future in a cup of coffee & she is shocked to see that one of the visitors to her coffee truck has a meeting with the grim reaper very soon. Colleague Suzanne talks her into warning customer, Joan, of her impending demise but they can't track her down. The next day they find out that Joan was found dead that morning so decide to investigate.

OutsmartYourShelf Now I wasn't expecting this to be Agatha Christie, but come on. The plot was far too simple & you can work out the killer in oh about three seconds. There was very little peril apart from a half-hearted warning note to stop investigating, & finally, the guilty party is caught in a flimsy lie & suddenly they're admitting to everything like Wonder Woman put the Lasso of Truth on them - not even to the police detective but a barista with no evidence. 7mo
OutsmartYourShelf Overall it's too cheesy even for me & the plot is way too obvious. If you like undemanding kinda twee cozy mysteries then you might like this. Best character - Trixie the persian cat. 2⭐

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4835342473
Read 28th Oct 2023

Readathons 160 pts
Post 1pt
Words 450 pts
Genre 20 pts

Total 631 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheSpineView Well done! 7mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 7mo
Andrew65 Oh no 😝 7mo
28 likes7 comments
The Twelve Days of Murder | Andreina Cordani
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A group of friends from university days are invited to a Christmas Masquerade murder mystery break at a remote hunting lodge. At the last one, the 'victim' disappeared from a locked room & was never seen again. This time it is based around the song 'Twelve Days of Christmas', i.e. Lord Leapworth. As the game begins, past secrets are revealed & friendships are strained until on Christmas morning, Lady Partridge is found hanging from a pear tree.

OutsmartYourShelf The present narrative is told from the point of view of Charley, the outsider in the group of friends. Charley came from a working class background whilst all the others were from rich families & she was treated rather badly by most of the group. Even in the Christmas Masquerade she is playing 'Miss Colly', the only servant in the game & her costumes are dull & boring. 8mo
OutsmartYourShelf The reader gets some background from chapters set twelve years ago one from each of the friend group & as their secrets are gradually revealed you see that none of them are particularly nice people . I did actually guess the guilty party but not the whole reason. I thought it was a diverting, entertaining read & if you like 'locked room' murder mysteries I would recommend this one. 4🌟
OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publisher, Bonnier Books/Zaffre, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5641748023
Read 17th-20th Oct 2023

Readathons 585 pts
Post 1pt
Words 2310 pts
Genre 10 pts

Total 2906 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks
(edited) 8mo
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Andrew65 Excellent 🎃🎃🎃 8mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
StayCurious great job! 8mo
26 likes7 comments
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The third book sees Harry, Hermione, & Ron about to start their third year at Hogwarts. On the way there they encounter Professor Lupin, their new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, when a Dementor, one of the feared guardians of Azkaban searches the train. Harry seems to be the worst affected of anyone. It seems that a prisoner named Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban & is after Harry to take his revenge for what happened to (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named & the Dementors will be a fixture around the school for a while. The story also takes in werewolves, secret maps, animagi, the trial of Buckbeak, & Gryffindor's quest to win the Quidditch Cup.

This is a re-read & my original rating of 4 stars stands. I'm not a big fan of the Buckbeak storyline in general (Buckbeak is fine, it's the whole 'animal in peril' thing) & I don't particularly like Professor Trelawney
OutsmartYourShelf (I agree with Hermione's assessment here). On the plus side, there's Quidditch, the Marauders' Map, & the introduction of characters (Lupin, Black, etc) who will appear in further books on the side of either good or evil. It's not my favourite of the series but it's still good. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/747560089
Read 14th-19th Oct 2023

See All 8 Comments
TheSpineView Fantastic!🖤🪄 8mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🐈‍⬛💜 8mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👻🎃👻 8mo
33 likes8 comments
When Ghosts Call Us Home | Katya de Becerra
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Sophia Galich was twelve when she starred in her older sister Layla‘s amateur horror movie 'Vermillion' filmed in the house their parents were renovating. Originally owned by a rich couple who held wild parties & seances until the tragic death of the wife, it stood empty for years before the Galich family moved in to renovate it. The movie gained a cult following online alongside a website which people use to travel 'The Path'. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Layla disappeared two years ago & it seems that she was still obsessed with Cashore & Vermillion & the last known sighting of her was at the house. Now seventeen, Sophia agrees to star in a remake being filmed at Cashore in the hope that this will lead her to the truth of what happened to Layla.

This had a slow start but once it got going it was a good read. The narrative is told from Sophia's point of view mostly in the present,
OutsmartYourShelf although the reader experiences Sophia's returning memories as she starts to film the remake. Suspicious of everyone & their motives, including Arthur the director's son, as they start to film scenes Sophia starts to remember more of what happened five years before & realises her sister wasn't telling her the complete truth. She also realises that she is now travelling The Path - but what or who is at the end? 8mo
OutsmartYourShelf It wasn't terrifying but it was a spooky unsettling read. 3.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publisher, Macmillan Children's Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5761905163
Read 13th-17th Oct 2023

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
TheSpineView Fantastic 8mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 8mo
30 likes7 comments
My Brother's Keeper | Tim Powers
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The Brontes & werewolves - even before starting it, I knew this would be either a triumph or a disaster. It's definitely going to polarise opinion as it's a required taste, but I loved it. I particularly like the way that the author wove actual events into the supernatural narrative, such as when Branwell paints over himself in the portrait of himself & his three sisters. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Branwell comes off the worst here as he comes across as petulant, cowardly, & self-centered & I really didn't like him. The others were as you would expect & I felt the author got Emily's character just right. Read it with no preconceptions & no expectations of what a book featuring the Brontës should be like & you may be pleasantly surprised. I thought it was extremely entertaining. 4.5🌟

OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Head of Zeus/AdAstra Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5722038873
Read 12th-14th Oct 2023

Readathons x Hours Read 902 pts
Post 1pt
Word Challenge 3160 pts
Genre 20 pts

Total 4083 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks @Emilymdxn
OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Head of Zeus/AdAstra Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5722038873
Read 12th-14th Oct 2023

Readathons x Hours Read 902 pts
Post 1pt
Word Challenge 3160 pts
Genre 20 pts

Total 4083 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks @Emilymdxn
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PuddleJumper 🧡🖤 8mo
TheSpineView Well done! 8mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 8mo
dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 8mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🦇 8mo
24 likes9 comments
The Patient | Jasper DeWitt
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A short but definitely not sweet book, The Patient follows newly qualified psychologist, Parker, who has taken a job working at a mental hospital. The book is written in the form of blog posts detailing Parker's contact with a patient named 'Joe' who is a forty-one-year-old man who has been at the hospital since he was a young boy. Few people have contact with him & he seems to be incurable, but Parker thinks he may be able to get through to him.

OutsmartYourShelf As the book is so short, it was difficult to get to know or really care about Parker & some of his decisions were strange. Parker's naiveite & youthful enthusiasm lead him astray & disaster is only narrowly averted initially. I can't imagine being that gullible to be honest. The writing style was okay but I think a slightly longer book may have fleshed out the characters more & given the reader more time to actually connect with the MC. 8mo
OutsmartYourShelf It was a gripping read but can't say I actually enjoyed reading it due to some of the subject matter (trigger warnings below). 2.5⭐

TWs: suicide, sexual assault, animal cruelty/death, coarse language.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3457719688

Read 12-13th Oct 2023

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbook @emilymdxn
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TheSpineView Great job! 8mo
PuddleJumper 🖤🖤 8mo
Andrew65 Oh no 🫣 8mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
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