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This is still on my tbr but comes highly recommended from my friend @FreeReadAndWrite My favorite character from the show is Omar ❤, masterfully played by Michael K. Williams. I'm hoping to read it this year and then rewatch the whole series.

(Loose interpretation of #omarsharif, I know, but the best I could do!)

Thanks for a super fun photo challenge @Cinfhen and @vivastory 😁

vivastory Omar was one of my favorite characters. Michael K Williams also plays one of my favorite characters in Boardwalk Empire. I've been meaning to read this one. It's a good idea to do a rewatch afterwards. Thanks for posting, Rachel! 6y
readordierachel @vivastory Thanks for hosting! I've been wanting to watch Boardwalk Empire, cuz I heard Michael Shannon is in it. 6y
readordierachel @vivastory Now I doubly want to watch it for Michael K. Williams! 6y
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batsy Michael K Williams was brilliant in the show 🙌🏽 6y
vivastory @readordierachel Michael Shannon has a great role in it. 6y
vivastory @batsy I think Omar's death was definitely one of the more jaw dropping moments of the show 6y
FreeReadAndWrite Yay! Thanks for the shout out. Anyone planning a rewatch of The Wire, read this book first! I‘m rewatching now & this book gave me an entirely new appreciation. I didn‘t think that show could get any better BUT THEN IT DID 🙌 6y
readordierachel @vivastory @batsy Yeah, I did not see that coming! He really was an unforgettable character. 6y
vivastory @readordierachel @batsy @FreeReadAndWrite One of the most disturbing aspects of the show is how realistic it is. I've heard a lot of lawyers & people in law enforcement say it's the most realistic tv series about drugs. 6y
FreeReadAndWrite @vivastory yeah, I agree. I used to work in community programming with gang members and cops in neighborhoods and I think it‘s realistic on both sides. I also think David Simon is kind of a pretentious ass but I‘m pretty impressed with the lengths of ethnographic study he did to write Homicide & The Corner before doing The Wire. 6y
batsy @readordierachel @vivastory Yes, jaw dropping is the perfect description for how it was! 6y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t know there was a book. Loved the series. And Stringer Bell 😍 6y
Cinfhen This book sounds fascinating! Loved seeing your posts❣️❣️❣️Thanks for joining in 💜 6y
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My first encounter with #OmarSharif #MusicalNewYear

Thanks, hosts, for another fun month👏👏👏

Leftcoastzen Yay!still love that movie! 6y
KarouBlue Love Babs! Wasn‘t Omar Sharif a cutie?! 6y
vivastory Thanks for posting! 👏🤘 6y
Cinfhen Babs!! You were on point as always 💕🙌🏻 6y
Freespirit I loved anything with Barbara in it! 6y
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#MusicalNewYear #OmarSharif
Thanks for hosting a fun month 🎶💕
@Cinfhen @vivastory

vivastory Thanks for posting 👏🙌 6y
Cinfhen He‘s probably right 😂😂😂😂what a great actor!! Thanks for sharing & posting 🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Andrew Jackson: Young Patriot | George E. Stanley
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#MusicalNewYear #OmarSharif

The USA, too, has had military men as the President of the Nation!

Thank you for the fun month @vivastory and @Cinfhen !!!

vivastory Thanks for joining us! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks for the link ~ enjoyed that 🙌🏻❣️ 6y
hhavel Thanks for the encouragement. Good to see a fellow author on this! 6y
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My two collections of the Arabian Nights. What I've read of these tales, I've loved!
Thanks for hosting and creating a great playlist @vivastory! And for always being an excellent host and queen of the emoji @Cinfhen ! It's been fun!
#omarsharif #musicalnewyear

Reviewsbylola Wow, those are both awesome looking editions! 6y
LeahBergen Are they resting on your flying carpet? 😉 I was obsessed with the notion of a flying carpet as a kid and used to “travel” on our living room area rug with stacks of books. Hmm... I think I was a strange child. 😆 6y
merelybookish @Reviewsbylola Thanks! It's fun how they have a similar pose. Kind of makes me want to collect some more editions. 🙂 6y
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merelybookish @LeahBergen Yes, my fancy IKEA magic carpet. 😀 Flying carpets were up there with secret passageways and quicksand! (And you sound like a very imaginative kid, like maybe you read a lot. 😉) 6y
Cinfhen That‘s the best compliment I‘ve gotten in ages.... 🙏🏻👑💃🏽💋 6y
vivastory Thanks for joining us! I really enjoyed your posts! 6y
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Exit West: A Novel | Mohsin Hamid
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According to @Cinfhen #OmarSharif is a song from a musical about a band who gets lost in Israel. So, my mind went to a book with two people feeling lost in an unnamed Middle Eastern country, and trying to get out of it with more or less success through doors to other places. 🚪🚪

Thanks for a fun month Scott and Cindy! #MusicalNewYear 🙌

Reviewsbylola I wanted to love this but it did nothing for me. 6y
Cinfhen I loved this book and I like where you went with the choice 💕💕💕 6y
vivastory Excellent choice Katja! 👏👏🙌 6y
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The Band's Visit | Itamar Moses
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Day 31 - #omarsharif #musicalnewyear

Umm Kulthum and Omar Sharif
Came floating on the jasmine wind
From the west, from the south
Honey in my ear, spice my mouth
Dark and thrilling
Strange and sweet
Cleopatra and the handsome thief
And they floated in on a jasmine wind
Umm Kulthum and Omar Sharif
And they floated in on a jasmine wind
Umm Kulthum and Omar Sharif
Friday evening, Omar Sharif
In black and white
And blurry through tears

Cinfhen I wanted to see this show but I missed it 😢 6y
vivastory I'd love to see this show 6y
EadieB @vivastory @Cinfhen I went to NY for a charity event in December 2017 and saw this show. It was great! 6y
Cinfhen Super jelly 💚💚💚💚💚 6y
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Okay...odd logic, but here we go. #OmarSharif was in Funny Girl, the musical about Vaudeville star Fanny Brice. Thinking of stage performance and singing, this brought me to Carole King and her memoir.

Thanks to @Cinfhen and @vivastory for a fun #MusicalNewYear !

Cinfhen I saw the musical Beautiful this summer on Broadway which is the Carole King story!!! It was fabulous and the music was incredible ❣️🎭🎼Thanks for joining us 💞 6y
vivastory Works for me 👍 6y
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