#OTD in 1841, one of the first mysteries, EA Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue," was published! From that little seed, a whole genre was formed. Megan Abbott's one of my favorite practitioners of the genre today - what about you? #detectiveday
#OTD in 1841, one of the first mysteries, EA Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue," was published! From that little seed, a whole genre was formed. Megan Abbott's one of my favorite practitioners of the genre today - what about you? #detectiveday
#otd December 19th, 1843 #achristmascarol by #charlesdickens was published. I have read this wonderful story every year in December since I was in middle school and can still remember the first time I read it. I also clearly don't have enough copies of this book... #bahumbug #ebenezerscrooge #iwillhonorchristmasinmyheart #godblessuseveryone
#OnThisDay in 1969, Monty Python's Flying Circus premiered. So, I leave you with: THE BOOKSHOP SKETCH. 😂 #otd
📚📺📽🎞 #LitsyAfterDark
#OnThisDay in 1862, President Lincoln first issued the Emancipation Proclamation following Union victory at the Battle of Antietam during the US Civil War. It didn't have as broad an effect as is usually taught, but it was a big step forward in emancipating slaves in America. 📜
I haven't read this book but it's on my TBR. It's a history of escaped-slave refugee camps in Union land & how these camps helped shape emancipation & black citizenship.
#OnThisDay in 1996, Oprah launched her book club with The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard. I haven't liked all of her selections, but it's undeniable that she has major pull in publishing & popularizes many important books. I love her focus on empathetic books, strong women, race, & other social justice themes. Top row is some of my fave books from her original club, bottom row is her most recent choices for Oprah's Book Club 2.0. 📚
It's hard to believe that 15 years ago I sat in a classroom & watched the World Trade Center fall in smoke & then see/smell smoke from the Pentagon later that day. My memory of that day is crystal clear & I'm grateful my life wasn't impacted beyond a few days off school.
Books help shape our consciousness of collective events & trauma. Here are some choices—the top row is nonfiction, the bottom fiction. 🇺🇸
What are some other reads about 9/11?
More fun stuff this week! Today is the anniversary of NASA's foundation in 1958. NASA has led multiple manned & unmanned missions into space and has contributed to our body of scientific knowledge of space & how our planet functions. Even if you're not that into space (but let's be honest, who isn't), you have NASA to thank for cochlear implants, memory foam, dustbusters, & even speedos. To celebrate, have some space books! 🌌🚀🌒✨🛰 #OTD
Today's the anniversary of the 14th Amend to the US Constitution! First passed to overturn the 3/5 compromise & grant full rights to Black citizens, it includes due process & equal protection clauses & has been used to support desegregation of schools, interracial marriage, affirmative action, the right to privacy, abortion rights, decriminalization of sodomy & most recently, marriage equality. Here's some books on its history. 📜⚖🇺🇸 #OTD #WNDB