This entire series is outstanding! The graphic format works perfectly. The art is powerful and provocative and the story pulls you in from the first frame. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. #nonfictionnovember2016
This entire series is outstanding! The graphic format works perfectly. The art is powerful and provocative and the story pulls you in from the first frame. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. #nonfictionnovember2016
It was a little slow for me at the beginning, but once I got into it, I was in for good. The Muse brothers were taken by a circus and kept from their mother for years. Macy explores their individual story, some of the history of circuses and sideshows, and the Jim Crow south that made it difficult for her to find and protect her sons. Weaving through all of this was a wonderful story of intergenerational family love. #nonfictionnovember2016
Bleak, but engrossing read. Dystopian non-fiction, it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that is is reality for millions of people. #nonfictionnovember2016
Books about religion are not in my wheelhouse, but this one really worked for me. The focus on grace and acceptance was a message I appreciated and was a timely reminder to me that true faith isn't what we often see in the media and it isn't something that should ever be used to exclude or judge. I needed this more than I realized when I picked it up. #NonfictionNovember2016
Interesting look at the drug wars on the US/Mexico border. Good mix of context material and direct stories of several American teenagers moving up in the cartels. This is an incredibly violent world and it was clear that there are no easy answers to these problems. #nonfictionnovember2016
My #nonfictionnovember2016 hasn't gone as I originally planned. I haven't read that many books of that genre because the one I started with was so deep, dark and depressing that I needed a break. Now I'm ready to get back in line with this. I so enjoyed the first book. I hope this is just as good.
Enjoyed the audio of this. This one touched on a lot of topics that I want to explore further including the level of vitriol people use when shaming others as well as the impact of shame as it is used in the criminal justice system. #nonfictionnovember2016
"But as always, lessons are drawn from mistakes, not victories." #nonfictionnovember2016 #nonfictionnovember #nonficnov #nonficnov2016
SCOTUS has been in the news a lot lately and a book about two women with different political views working together seemed timely. This was absolutely riveting. I learned so much from reading this and will be seeking out more about SCOTUS and the justices. Also, RBG is my hero. #NonfictionNovember2016