We're trying to name this sticker! Submit your ideas for names until 9 pm eastern (America) time tonight, and then I'm putting them in a survey monkey for everyone to vote! Happy naming! (Also, feel free to repost!) #NeedAName
Tamra Booker 8y
saresmoore I don't think it makes any sense, but in my head I call him Bumble. Short for Bumble B. Bookish. Phew, I feel better confessing that. 8y
MyNamesParadise Bumble Stack? I'm terrible at stuff like this 😜 8y
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DivineDiana Booker? 8y
BookHermit Abe: Audio Book Escort 8y
ReadingEnvy Bob 8y
LittleWonder Mister Audiophile 8y
AbstractMonica I know it's an audio book sticker, but I like Paige Turner 😜 8y
DitrieMarieBowie Audio? It sounds like Otto. Audo? 8y
LeahBergen Oddie O'Book 8y
Merethebookgal @LeahBergen 😂👍 8y
moranadatter @LeahBergen Or O.D. O'Book? Odo for short? 8y
LeahBergen @kmdartist yes! 😂 8y
Megabooks @Tamra @saresmoore @MyNamesParadise @DivineDiana @BookHermit @ReadingEnvy @LittleWonder @AbstractMonica @DitrieMarieBowie @LeahBergen @Merethebookgal @kmdartist The survey is live! Take my survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8H7GHW8 8y
Jess_Read_This Voted! So many appropriate names to choose from! 8y
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