Sunday Mugday Mugshot... Pineapple Street on Audible, The Ibiza Crone Club, Soul-Led Living, and Jesus Always on the kindle, plus the stack ❤️ #SundayMugday #Mugshot #SundayMugshot
Sunday Mugday Mugshot... Pineapple Street on Audible, The Ibiza Crone Club, Soul-Led Living, and Jesus Always on the kindle, plus the stack ❤️ #SundayMugday #Mugshot #SundayMugshot
It's been a while since I've done a #SundayMugday And I'm sure this mug has starred in Sunday mug day before but… I couldn't resist on this beautiful snowy pre Christmas Winter morning ❄️🎄🥰 Cheers to today being all about books and reading for me, wishing the same for you all too 📚💕 #mugshot
Can you ever have too many literary mugs? #mugshot
Sunday MugDay means a new #Mugshot ...
It's going to be raining on and off but when it's not, you know I'll be sitting out here with my stack of books. This stack of books and magazines plus my kindle is what's on deck for the day. Welcome that and kabab grilling in between showers later on. Happy Sunday all 😊
This mug arrived in the mail yesterday, and it made me so happy to drink out of it this morning. It depicts all the You‘ve Got Mail references, including Anne of Green Gables, Pride and Prejudice, and a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils.
>>#minimalistbookstagram for
Simply & absolutely love this book!!
#alwaysreading #booksarelife #bibliophile #currentlyreading #fiction #novels #paperbacks #booksiown #bookshot #mugshot #instabook #bookphotography #booksandcoffee #favoriteauthors #favoritebooks #women #comingofage
Hey girl...how YOU doin‘?! This is my library set up, but it‘s all coming down this week. Moving is tedious, isn‘t it? I‘m going to try to step up my #audiobook game so I don‘t fall into a slump in the coming month.
#shelfie #mugshot
• Been busting out all my bookish goodness today. First the library socks and found my library mugs this afternoon. I need to be using these things but I also want to sorta keep them in good condition!! My heart will break a bit if toddler grabs and destroys. Oh well...drinking out of this one tonight 😍 Terrible picture, btw 😬 •
#bookish #librarylove #mugs #mugshot #bibliophile #tonight #booksandcoffee
>>#minimalistbookstagram for
mon mar 1 2021
Trying for #apoemaday in the tagged book.
Who is your favorite poet? Mine is probably Sylvia Plath 💗
#alwaysreading #poetrymatters #poetryisnotdead #poets #bookish #bookshot #mugshot #booksarelife #booksandcoffee #bibliophile #bookstagram #biblio_bliss_