It's summer in the Adirondacks
It's summer in the Adirondacks
I enjoyed this; it had sort of a Twin Peaks vibe to it, and some good plot twists. I thought the ending was completely unbelievable, though.
Boy, was it a bit chilly this morning! When I went to walk, it was technically 40°, which I can do with a light jacket; however, the “feels like” temp was 29°, so I had to layer a bit AND wear a jacket and a hat. The characters in this book are just making me so sad for them all. #audiowalk
2.7⭐️ I am so glad that people enjoyed this book, I just was not one of them. This was supposed to be a Thriller and I wan not only, not thrilled, I was bored. There was also just so much going on in the book with the multiple POVs and all the multiple time lines. This was my #HomeTownBookClub pick for January.
It‘s raining out. I‘ve made my cup of tea and let‘s settle in and get this book read! No distractions. I feel like I‘ve been distracted by other books (and my phone) so I‘m going to focus and finally get this book finished! It‘s a perfect day for it right? ☔️
I‘m enjoying this book, but I sometimes get a little lost for a minute with the jumps in time. We are supposed to get a lot of rain tomorrow and then snow, so I‘m trying to get in my #audiowalk while I can!
I liked this one - it took a hot second for me to get into it, since there are so many characters and timelines. And it was too long. But it kept me wanting to read, with a few surprises thrown in, too! (3)
⭐️: 3.75/5
My second favorite of 2024! Only lost to Wedding People by a speck. Highly recommend the audiobook.