*Looks outside*
*Looks at the calendar*
*Looks back outside*
Yelp, looks like a reading day. #minnesnowta
*Looks outside*
*Looks at the calendar*
*Looks back outside*
Yelp, looks like a reading day. #minnesnowta
Snow storms coming ( maybe???) and I'm gonna be lazy. Doing some coloring, reading and maybe some baking today. #MinneSNOWta
Starting this for Friday's book club despite the fact that it will be snowing and I'll probably bail if it's not canceled.
Considering it's October and we have the heat on, I want to be somewhere warm and with a beach.
Sweater weather!! #finally #UntilNextMay #Minnesnowta At least I waited this long (my other job involves too much moving around for sweaters but my office job is perfect for them). Anyone else have a favorite sweater? 🐱