Sixth and final book in my Megacon book haul for this year. This book is about war, magic, and tech. It sounds great and I'm very excited to read it! This one is also signed by the author.
#ShadowoftheGuantlet #CaseyCaracciolo #MegaconBookHaul
Sixth and final book in my Megacon book haul for this year. This book is about war, magic, and tech. It sounds great and I'm very excited to read it! This one is also signed by the author.
#ShadowoftheGuantlet #CaseyCaracciolo #MegaconBookHaul
Fifth book in my Megacon book haul. This one is about twins haunting a family home. Again, this one is signed by the author
#DarkInspiration #RussellJames #MegaconBookHaul
Fourth book in my Megacon book haul. This one is about a cop on the moon! This one is also signed by the author
#LunaticCity #TAllen #MegaconBookHaul
Third book in my Megacon book haul. This is a graphic novel where the main character gets a heart transplant and then starts seeing the person whose heart she received. Also I got this one signed by the illustrator!
#Hearttrob #NickFilardi #MegaconBookHaul
The second book from my Megacon book haul. Very excited to read this one. The premise sounds great. I got to meet the author at his booth and he signed the book for me!
#Dragonera #CharlieRose #MegaconBookHaul
Gonna be posting my book haul from Megacon this year! Most of these books aren't listed in Litsy's database yet. This book is about two cosplayers that get caught up in a series of murders at Megacon. I liked the premise and the book ended up being pretty great! I also got to meet the author and she signed the book for me! 📚
#MurderCon #MaureenCatherineOrkwis #MegaconBookHaul