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CBee Thanks y‘all! @LitsyEvents 2y
bthegood @CBee what a fun idea - thank you!! 2y
CBee @bthegood you‘re very welcome 😊 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎤🎼🎹🎧 2y
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Dearest #manicmonday friends, thanks for playing along with me - I‘ll miss our Monday interactions but hope to think of something else to do soon! Here‘s the playlist, updated through Z (if I get more responses, I‘ll add 😊)! ENJOY! 😘😘😘😘 #manicmondaymusic

Read4life Thank you, @CBee ! It was so much fun 🤓 2y
CBee @Read4life thanks for playing along every week, Lynn! ♥️♥️ I‘ve enjoying getting to know you a bit 😊 2y
Read4life Right back at you, Cydney. I also loved seeing the variety of responses from everyone as well as seeing who gave the same responses I did. 2y
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CBee @Read4life me too! A lot of things I hadn‘t heard of and some old favorites I hadn‘t remembered 😊 2y
vonnie862 This was so much fun and I love how eclectic the Playlist is! 2y
CBee @vonnie862 ♥️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎹🎼🎤🎧❤️ 2y
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**UPDATED** through the letter V (at least the ones I‘ve gotten so far today). Enjoy 😊😊 #manicmonday #manicmondaymusic

vivastory 👏👏🤘🤘 2y
vonnie862 This Playlist is so fun! 2y
CBee @vonnie862 it‘s super eclectic! 2y
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peaKnit What a fun playlist to just shuffle! 2y
kspenmoll Thanks! Amazing playlist!!! 2y
CBee @peaknit isn‘t it great? @kspenmoll glad you like! 2y
CBee @Cinfhen here‘s the playlist link! I‘ll eventually get it all updated once I get all of today‘s responses 😊 2y
Cinfhen Thanks so much for sharing the link!!!! This is AMAZING 2y
CBee @Cinfhen you‘re welcome! Did y‘all feel the earthquake where you live? I‘m so horrified, all those people 😔😔😔 2y
Cinfhen We actually did🙃TWICE - it was kinda crazy. So sad for the people of Turkey. If I felt the jolts I can only imagine what it must have been for them. 2y
CBee @Cinfhen I‘m not surprised, the earthquake was so strong and then the aftershocks! 😔😔 2y
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