Fabulously kind #litsypost just arrived from @RachelO this afternoon. Really kind Rachel and i will be diving on into my experimental travel book sharpish I think! Thinking of you this week x thank you again xx
Fabulously kind #litsypost just arrived from @RachelO this afternoon. Really kind Rachel and i will be diving on into my experimental travel book sharpish I think! Thinking of you this week x thank you again xx
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.
-Helen Keller
#MarchInBooks Floral cover
#flovercover #bookishand #booksandhand #socks #bookandsocks #knjiganadan #goodreads #bookworm #litsylove #litsypost
#LitsyPost ! Thank you so much @Avanders ! I just got it today. Was it really “an extra” copy?!? I can‘t believe how generous this community is. I would not have been able to buy this book (I‘m on a new book buying ban - too many unread books on my shelves already! But I‘m not averse to Books as gifts!
Thank you, thank you!! 😘
The first six months for the Exorcist travelling book!
@Rochelleus @Lizpixie @AllenStClair @MaleficentBookDragon @LibrarianRyan @tricours I've sent you all an email with the details, if you haven't received it let me know. If you have, comment ⬇️ so I know everyone has seen it.
#travellingbook #travellingbooks #horror #litsypost #bookpost
NOW TAKING SIGN-UPS!! Comment below with your preferred month ⬇️👻
First come, first served for SEPTEMBER to FEBRUARY! You read the book, write your thoughts, then send to the next person until the book eventually comes back to me. This will run for 12 months.
#travellingbook #travellingbooks #horror #litsypost #bookpost