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Wolf Gone Wild | Juliette Cross
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I'm fast, but I'm not that fast...

I thought this book was due back to Libby tomorrow, so I was going to binge read it tonight. I'm only 15% into it. I can't even extend the loan because people are waiting for it. Guess I'm buying it. 🤷‍♀️🙈


TheSpineView Hate when that happens! 😫 3y
LiteraryinPA Boooooo ☹️ 3y
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SilversReviews Darn!! 3y
MizzGraham I love Juliette Cross!! 3y
BookKenz @MizzGraham I am about 30% into this book now, and I'm really enjoying it. This is my first book by Juliette Cross. 3y
MizzGraham @Kenziejo I read them all! She‘s one of my new favorite authors 🙏🏼 3y
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House of Leaves | Mark Z Danielewski
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My #WeeklyForecast for all of December. Ambitious. But I do have some time off coming up. The top row is all books I'm committed to: #doublespin (@TheAromaofBooks) #OokBOokClub (@JulesG) #IRLBookClub #NYRBBookClub (@vivastory) #ARC #bookspin.
The second row is mostly #LibraryLottery but I'd also like to try and fit in a couple for #cloakanddaggerchristmas (@merelybookish) and some #inprogress.

We'll see where things end up I guess!

Cinfhen Very ambitious but exciting possibilities 🙌🏻💕I have one on my coffee table but it‘s heft is intimidating me 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
DrexEdit @Cinfhen yeah I have the ebook of that cycling in and out of my library holds, so I didn't realize how hefty it was until recently! There's something to be said about being able to make visual judgements on how much reading you have to do! 3y
DrexEdit @TheAromaofBooks your #bookspin challenge has got me fired up and ready to go this month! 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks Awww that genuinely makes me so happy to hear!!! ❤ 3y
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Walk the Blue Fields: Stories | J.K. Rowling , Claire Keegan
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Hey, look at this! A #BookReport that's actually on time. Above is my report for the month of November. I did not finish as many books as I did in October. The top row are the books that I finished. All of them are really good!

The bottom row are all books in progress for various reasons. The #LibraryLottery has been impacting my reading *hard* this month. Plus more #chunksters on the month's #TBR. Pressing on!


Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻 so glad you had a great reading month!! Quality over quantity is always better!!! And you still managed to read a lot!!! Hope you find the time to read in December 💚 3y
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Summer reading program is for all age groups. Couldn't decided on what to read first so I literally grabbed the first book I saw when I entered library. #LibraryLottery

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