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Djinn City | Saad Z Hossain
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As a reward for surviving a very stressful book club moderation at work I‘m starting this today. Thankfully the book club isn‘t meeting in December because none of our patrons like genre fiction so the club picks are always something I find difficult to finish. #LibrarianProblems I guess lol

Voices from the Ape House | Beth Armstrong
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Anyone ever bite off more than they can chew? My stack of #librarybooks is a mile high and more keep coming. I read 3 quick chapters in this one that just arrived for me and I'm loving it! I want to read all the books and never do work!! #librarianproblems

Cathythoughts Enjoy 😁 everything looks good 4y
LiteraryinPA Yes, that happened recently to me. It got to the point where I just returned everything and started again. This last time I went to the library I set a limit before I went in. Because I have so many books on my shelves that I want to read, but I also want to read everything at the library! 4y
BookwormM Yes all my library holds have arrived at once arrgghh 4y
RidgewayGirl Yes, now that my local library has reopened for browsing, I have over-reacted and now have a very tall stack of library books. 4y
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My Monday evening job...trying to subdue the excited youths. #LibrarianProblems

Kappadeemom At least there are no kegs....yet 😜 5y
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Yet more books happened to me #librarianproblems #bookhaul

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School Library Journal Day of Dialog. Epic book haul. How am I going to haul these home? #librarianproblems #bookhaul

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Every single month, I think I have a really nice TBR set up. Then my Junior Library Guild box shows up... I want to read them all! To Night Owl from Dogfish is definitely going on the list - in fact, I might start it tonight.
#librarianproblems #schoollibraries #litsyloveslibraries #librariansoflitsy

Sara_Planz Loved To Night Owl from Dogfish!!! 5y
LibrarianRyan Start it tonight. You‘ll finish it quickly 5y
Johanna414 @LibrarianRyan ended up spending all evening in urgent care with the baby after her big brother sprayed a cleaning solution in her face... she‘s good, just some badly irritated eyes. But I think I‘ll still have time to start it once they‘re both asleep 5y
LibrarianRyan @Johanna414 ohhhhhh nooooo. I‘m glad she is okay. Here is hoping for a peaceful evening. 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Nothing like walking in to a leaky bathroom drain pipe first thing Monday morning... 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
#librarianproblems #librariansoflitsy #schoollibraries

Samplergal #schools. In general. I was in a closet for two years that leaked and had no window or air/ventilation. (SLP) Good times. Hope you didn‘t lose books. 5y
CouronneDhiver Oh dear 😐 5y
Gnora Oh no!! Hope everything gets fixed up ASAP! 😱 5y
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Christmas gift from The Husband. Perfect thing to help me ease back into a schedule after 3 weeks off. #LibrarianProblems

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I had a nice modest TBR all planned for October. Then my Junior Library Guild box came in... #librarianproblems #newbooks #bookhaul #schoollibraries #librariansoflitsy #teachersoflitsy