Had one of these lights when I was teenager, but who knows where that ended up. Went and bought me one today, and to say I‘m excited is an understatement. #ItsTheSmallThings #NighttimeReadingReady
Had one of these lights when I was teenager, but who knows where that ended up. Went and bought me one today, and to say I‘m excited is an understatement. #ItsTheSmallThings #NighttimeReadingReady
A good book, music, and my daughter, nothing better. #itsthesmallthings #havenmavenmoo #thingsthatmatter
Having a slow start - quick chapter, pastry & gaze at the amazing wallpaper in the Members Room before I admit to myself that the day has to start! #itsthesmallthings
Almost done with this book! Sad to see it end but how awesome are these orange pages. I love details like this on books.
I've cut out almost all dairy and sugar this year, and feel loads better for it, but this morning I gave myself a special treat and put both cream and sugar in my tea. #itsthesmallthings
In other news, I am very thankful for the Annotated Oscar Wao I found online to help me with some of the Spanish, Dominican slang, and obscure pop culture references I don't already know!
Really excited that my #LitsyAtoZ #LetterD pick works for both the title and author! #itsthesmallthings