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On display in the library as it‘s Pride month. Interesting read.

An Ordinary Wonder | Buki Papillon
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I loved it. Accessible for teen readers but adult readers will also get a lot from this too. Orto is intersex and lives in Nigeria, forced to live as a boy and hide his shameful secret, Lori, the girl he is meant to be.

A lot of bad things happen in this book but they are handled with great sensitivity, in a way that is not traumatising to the reader. There is a lot of hope and beauty to balance the negative, with touches of magical realism.

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Arai discusses many gender and sexuality topics related to aging that I haven't always thought about. He especially talks about issues he experiences as an intersex person who was assigned female at birth, always felt more masculine, and found out he's intersex and has physical masculine and feminine characteristics that clash with social expectations. #LGBTQ #Intersex #Manga #NonfictionComic #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero This was my last #LGBTQ2023 book bingo prompt of the regular prompts: intersex rep 9mo
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This book contains 30 essays, about a 3rd from the editor herself, on the joy that comes from being trans, non-binary, and intersex. I found this very affecting and illuminating. I‘m not familiar with non-binary and intersex and some of the most fascinating essays came from them. One was about Non-B parenting, one was a trans man being voted prom-king. One was a trans woman being part of the sisterhood on a woman‘s roller derby team. All great.

Suet624 I need to learn a lot more on this subject. Stacked. 1y
DivineDiana Agree with @Suet624! Stacked. 1y
Aimeesue Great review! Thanks! 1y
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Reggie @Suet624 @DivineDiana because I had no idea a lot of these essays are from the UK, gender affirming care is part of their healthcare which I thought was cool. It still has its red tape and bureaucracy but it‘s there. I hope you like it if you get to it. 1y
Reggie @Aimeesue Thanks! There are some towards the back that really touched me. Some of these people had really good parents and grandparents that let these people when either they were kids or older inform them or who THEY were not the other way around. 1y
Aimeesue @Reggie The world needs more parents and grandparents like that. ❤️ 1y
Centique My daughter has a friend going through hormone treatment at the moment. I am listening and learning 💕And glad that they have these options here, even though there are many hoops to jump through and costs. 1y
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In bed sick with COVID. Perfect excuse to treat myself to a new book.

AmyG Feel better! 1y
Tamra Books will make you feel better. 😌 1y
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arlenefinnigan @Tamra I've bought two books so far today. I'm still coughing my guts up, but I have two new books ❤️ 1y
Tamra @arlenefinnigan 😝 I am on the side of the books. Speedy recovery and I hope you keep your sense of smell & taste. I wish I could bring over a pot of homemade soup for you. (edited) 1y
arlenefinnigan @Tamra aw thank you! Happily my husband is a very good cook and we've got loads of soup in the freezer. 1y
Tamra @arlenefinnigan lucky you!! 1y
ravenlee I hope you feel better soon! And it‘s definitely better to be miserable with new books than without. 1y
arlenefinnigan @ravenlee thank you! Absolutely. 1y
Ruthiella I hope you feel better soon! ❤️ 1y
Megabooks I‘m sorry! 💜 get well soon! 1y
Reggie Hope you feel better! 1y
arlenefinnigan @Reggie thank you! 1y
CarolynM Get well soon💐 1y
Bookwomble Sorry to read you had COVID, Arlene. Hoping you're well recovered now 💖 1y
arlenefinnigan @Bookwomble on the mend now, thanks. The 100 Miles In March challenge I signed up to has become slightly more of a challenge! 1y
Bookwomble @arlenefinnigan Oof! The fatigue can hang around for a while after. For me it was a lingering cough that was most irritating! Hope it doesn't interfere with your challenge too much🚶‍♀️👣👣 1y
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Happy New Year! Welcome to the #FRC2023 The 25 prompts just manage to squeeze onto a bingo card. You can tag me to submit entries, and if you put your book in the same spot on the bingo card, I'll know that's an entry, or you can make individual posts and mention the prompt! All the shareables, printables, and ways to enter are on the blog.

The tagged book is a just one option of many for “A book by a trans and/or intersex author“.

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I wanted a light fiction break from Nonfiction November, and this did the trick.

It‘s YA, a coming of age story about a princess who goes undercover to have a summer as a normal person. It‘s a world where 18 year olds attend “coming-of-age” type balls and a computer can tell you who would be a good genetic match for you.

I probably wouldn‘t have finished if I weren‘t curious how the #LGBTQIA thread would play out. It‘s a light pick for me.

Soubhiville Would work for the #LoveTriangle prompt for #booked2023. 2y
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Masquerade | Laura Lam

My #bookspin book. (Note to self: write the numbers down! I have to comb the past posts every month to remember which book was which.)

A kind of disappointing end to the trilogy. I felt the author was trying to cram too much plot in while leaving a lot of questions unexplored. And the prose was oddly flat and unexciting for such an action-packed story.

Herculine Barbin | Herculine Barbin
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I took a long, excellent bike ride this morning, with a couple stop offs at IKEA so I could buy a new library bag and get a free coffee. The coffee went down easy alongside HERCULINE BARBIN, the memoir of an intersex person who lived in the mid-1800s. So far, it‘s interesting but not propulsive.

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This is the second book I‘ve read by E. K. Johnston and the second one that I didn‘t feel lived up to my expectations. I did like The Afterward a lot, but I couldn‘t quite bring myself to continue with this one when I had 4 other ebook holds come in this weekend.

shanaqui I liked The Afterward OK too, and yet hadn't thought at all of picking up anything else by the author. Hmmmmm. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @shanaqui I think I mostly picked this up for its title. And another book of hers I want to read due to the title 😆 2y
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