Thank you Edelweiss and HarperTeen (Harper Collins) for this ARC. I can‘t wait to read Girl on the Line. #Edelweiss #harperteen #ARC
Thank you Edelweiss and HarperTeen (Harper Collins) for this ARC. I can‘t wait to read Girl on the Line. #Edelweiss #harperteen #ARC
💭Would you break the law to save someone you love?
Not only is THE ANTIDOTE insanely gorgeous it sounds absolutely amazing. Has anyone read it yet? Or is it on your tbr?
Thank you so much @epicreads for gifting me this copy!!
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Here are all the reasons to read #MyPlaineJane
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"You don't see us, and so we are everywhere. And we will rise up. Red as the dawn."
I still don't know who sent me the crown, so please don't ask. ? Who's your favorite Red Queen character? It's a tie between Maven and Cal for me. ??
#redqueen #glasssword #kingscage #victoriaaveyard #harperteen
Wanna win a finished copy of #ThisIsHowItHappened? For a chance to win a finished copy, stop by www.authorpaulastokes.com to enter the TIHIH Rafflecopter giveaway. Both contests are international. Both end on July 7th. Or visit her on Instagram for more chances to win.
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