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Happy #Halloween to all my fellow #littens! 👻🧙‍♀️


Just After Sunset | Stephen King
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#feelingwitchy 🕷🕸🧙‍♀️🌚 happy almost-Halloween!!


KathyWheeler I‘ve had this since it came out but have yet to read it. I‘d lost it for awhile. 6y
erank58 @KathyWheeler I would totally reccomend it! Especially because it's so much shorter than some of his other collections! 6y
KathyWheeler @erank58 It is! I found it again and it‘s now with all my other King books. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I liked this one a LOT! 6y
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The Bone Witch | Rin Chupeco
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#OctoberXfiles #IputASpellOnYou My brother mostly reads fantasy and he suggested this book for me...I‘m willing to give it a go but the Litsy ratings seem so-so. What‘s the consensus??? #FeelingWitchy🧙‍♀️why no broomstick or cauldron emojis??!?!

ferskner Ooooooooooo I want those emojis! I'd use them all the time! 6y
Cinfhen Right!?!! @ferskner 6y
Cathythoughts Havnt read ... cover looks great though 👍🏻 6y
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TracyReadsBooks It‘s YA I believe. You could ask @ElishaLovesBooks about it. I gave her a copy, don‘t know if she‘s read it yet. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s still the holidays for @ElishaLovesBooks so I‘ll have to wait & find out @TracyReadsALot thanks for the info 💋 6y
TheSpineView I liked it. The only negative for some is the descriptive prose got a little verbose at times especially when describing the clothing. I like books on the verbose side, so I didn't mind. 6y
Cinfhen I can live with verbose @TheSpineView 😂are u going to continue on with this series??? 6y
TheSpineView @Cinfhen Yes! I have already decided that one of my 2019 goals is to work on series I have started but never finished. 6y
Cinfhen #Goals ❣️🙌🏻 @TheSpineView 6y
the_hibernator I love the author! I own the book, but haven't read it yet. 6y
Robothugs I have this one! 6y
xicanti I liked it, but I listened to the audio and the narrator gave such an awful performance that she left me in no hurry to jump to book two. 6y
Cinfhen Ugh!!! Bad narrator is the worse!!!! @xicanti 6y
Cinfhen I requested it from my library @the_hibernator @Robothugs 6y
Robothugs I haven‘t read it yet. Maybe we will read it at the same time and judge it together. 😆 6y
Nevermore88 The cover is beautiful though 6y
Cinfhen I agree; it‘s a pretty cover @Nevermore88 💜 6y
JaclynW Pretty cover, cool title. I like stories about witches but I haven't read this one. I will be curious to hear your thoughts. 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen @TracyReadsBooks I haven‘t read it yet! 🙈 6y
Reviewsbylola Girl, good luck! 🙏🏻😆 6y
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