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Rememberance of Love | Cathie Linz
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#Midsummersolace #photochallenge

Day 2 - flowers

I picked a bouquet from my garden to take to my Mum's final resting place in the lake district. 20 years gone, remembered every day 😢 💔


IndoorDame ♥️💔 1y
Cinfhen Beautiful flowers - I can still feel your pain 💕 1y
dabbe #feelyourpain ❤️💔❤️‍🩹 1y
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AllDebooks Thanks for the love @IndoorDame @Cinfhen @dabbe it's been a very mindful kind of day x 1y
willaful Sending a hug, if you would like one. 1y
AllDebooks That's lovely and very welcome. Thank you @willaful x 1y
Catsandbooks Sending love ❤️ 1y
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Since about 3 this morning the people that live above us have been apparently moving furniture using a skateboard with square wheels!! They have been loud since we moved in but in the past week it‘s gotten so much worse. It‘s so frustrating to not be able to relax in my own bed because it‘s literally loud noises every 3 min! 😭😭😭😭#rantover #thanksforlistening

Deifio Oh, that's bad! No wonder you're annoyed! Did you already talk to them? Sometimes people don't realize they're super loud. I hope it's one of those cases 😘 4y
sprainedbrain Oh no. 😫 4y
magyklyXdelish My upstairs neighbor is the same way. We‘ve even gone upstairs to talk to him and nothing changed 4y
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Mrs_B Oh no! I hope it gets better soon! 4y
sharread I'm so sorry, they might not know how loud they are. The landlord should tell them to stop. Hope it gets better soon. 🧡 4y
Vbrrgirl Struggling with the same problem! 4y
Trashcanman You‘ll have to be careful, but I‘d use a hairspray and lighter. 4y
suvata Now that‘s just rude. 4y
Megabooks Oh yeah, I think I lived under some bowlers in Durham. #feelyourpain #imsorry 4y
Seekingtardis @Deifio we talked to them and the front office and it stops for a few days then starts again ☹️ but today has been a good day so maybe we are on a quiet time lol 4y
Seekingtardis @sprainedbrain 🥺 agreed! Thank you for your mutual frustration support lol 4y
Seekingtardis @magyklyXdelish I‘m so sorry for your pain!! 4y
Seekingtardis @Mrs_B thank you!! They have been quiet today so I am hopeful that we are in a quiet time lol 4y
Seekingtardis @sharread we called the office and they called them so hopefully it‘ll stay quiet! 4y
Seekingtardis @Vbrrgirl I‘m so sorry love!!! 4y
Seekingtardis @Trashcanman I save that for spiders 😂😂 thank you!! 4y
Seekingtardis @suvata isn‘t it! I‘m just trying not to be rude back and hitting the ceiling with my broom handle 😂 4y
Seekingtardis @Megabooks I worked at a bowling alley in high school I could handle that it‘s the random elephant stampedes that I can‘t handle 😂 thank you love!! 4y
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I swear my cart took me to the Target book aisle...totally not me!

MallenNC It happens to me every time! 5y
Recommended4Reading Someone needs to do something about the Target carts. I go in there to pick up 1 thing and come out with 10!!! #FeelYourPain 5y
Gissy Mystery! 5y
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#SeptemberDanes Poor Alexander!!! He's having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day ( #BeenThereDoneThat #FeelYourPain) he'd much rather be #SleepingMyDayAway (#PreachAlexander) I too, would like to stay under the covers today but #AdultingCalls #TGIF 🙌🏼 This book has been a family favorite for decades!!!

TrishB Sending love and hugs 😘💕 6y
Kalalalatja I feel Alexander so much! Thinking of you today 💕 6y
merelybookish Maybe you could move to Australia? 🙂 (Loved this book as a kid!) 6y
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Cinfhen Thanks so much @Kalalalatja @TrishB 😘😘and Australia sounds perfect @merelybookish 😂😂I heard in the Australian edition Alexander wants to move to Timbuktu 🤣 6y
HOTPock3tt Omg I LOVED this so much when I was young! ❤️ 6y
JennyM Lol...hope the kids got off ok and you are doing ok. Xx 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @JennyM im a little weepy today but I took a mental health day and now I'm at the beach 🏖#MyHappyPlace 6y
Cinfhen I know @HOTPock3tt I loved this book too!! Especially the prizes in the cereal box!!! My brothers always seemed to get the good ones😂 6y
emilyhaldi You win the # prize!!! 😜 6y
Reviewsbylola I just bought this one for Genevieve through her book order. It was only $1! 6y
Cinfhen Nice choice @Reviewsbylola I‘m super jealous of those book orders!!! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @emilyhaldi emoji‘s and hashtags are my secret vice 😜 6y
Reviewsbylola I can‘t wait for the order to get here. My friend took her son‘s book order out of his bag and immediately threw it away. 😱😱😱 She claims that he doesn‘t like to read. Growing up though her school didn‘t do book orders so I don‘t think she knows what he‘ll be missing!! 6y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, #BadMommyMistake that little boy is gonna be pissed when the teacher hands out the book orders and he gets nothing 😦😡she'll learn real quick @Reviewsbylola (edited) 6y
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