Some may say these books are #fatuous, but haters can keep right on hating as I gleefully binge-read the entire series. #SpringSentiments #Bridgerton
Some may say these books are #fatuous, but haters can keep right on hating as I gleefully binge-read the entire series. #SpringSentiments #Bridgerton
#SpringSentiments Day 6 @Eggs
Ignatius is the embodiment of #Fatuous in this wonderfully written, laugh-out-loud classic.
Fatuous: adjective; silly, pointless
Mr. Collins in P & P is the first thing that comes to mind for #fatuous #springsentiments
#SpringSentiments Day 6: It is, indeed, #fatuous to be taking a photo this far away, but teenage daughter cannot help herself, so I do the peace sign while reading and posing. Celebrating spring break over the weekend in Abu Dhabi.