#CurrentlyListening to another #DeathinParadise #cozymystery — so fun! #PhilFox is an excellent narrator — he brings the books to life.
#CurrentlyListening to another #DeathinParadise #cozymystery — so fun! #PhilFox is an excellent narrator — he brings the books to life.
Another fun #cozymystery in the #DeathinParadise series. Narrator #PhilFox is as fabulous as usual.
This is so much fun! Just like a good episode of #DeathinParadise. I‘m also quite enjoying the narration. #cozymystery
Has anyone read this? I enjoyed the authors other books and love the show he wrote Death in Paradise.
I‘m halfway through but I‘m struggling to finish the book. #RobertThorogood #mysteries #deathinparadise