Let me introduce you to The #DayZeroProject. I wanted to share this awesome little website with you guys. A few years ago I decided to take part in this goal setting website. The idea is that you set 101 #goals to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). It is not a bucket list, but a way of setting goals that are a little more ambitious. Because you have a larger time frame you can set out to do things you wouldn't normally think possible.
jpmcwisemorgan Oh this sounds cools! I‘m going to look into it! 7y
TaylorMay @jpmcwisemorgan I'll be posting more about it and showing everyone my goals as well. It is a really fun site and I'm excited to be starting fresh. With so many goals there is room for some silly and some serious. And of course I have a few bookish ones well. 😉 7y