I have a question for all you #EpicBuddyRead ers.
How do you picture Kvothe? The Kvothe in his university days?
I have a hard time creating him in my mind when I read.
@TricksyTails #TNotW #BookQuestion #CharacterQuestion
MinDea @AmyG @Andrew65 @tonyahoswalt @CatLass007 @GrilledCheeseSamurai @DeborahSmall @BarbaraJean @BethM @Suelizbeth @ghosthost @callielafleur @nluev @laundry_piles @jfalkens @TK421 7y
Betty Apparently he's not in a graphic novel. That would have helped 7y
claffy_reads With the red hair and being a musician, all I can think of is Ed Sheeran. I don't think that's right, but it's what comes to mind. 😂 7y
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AmyG I picture him in my mind as a good-looking teenager. And then I read about his red hair and it throws me off. (edited) 7y
MinDea Hahaha @callielafleur ...like from his cameo in GoT?!? 7y
ghosthost Like this model, but thinner and less well-groomed: https://www.google.com/search?q=stefano+masciolini 7y
MinDea @AmyG I laughed much harder than probably appropriate to your comment. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 7y
TricksyTails Posted something just for you. 7y
TricksyTails @AmyG Same!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 7y
TricksyTails @AmyG So I imagine it blood red or nearly blonde! 7y
TricksyTails @callielafleur 😂😂😂 Ed Sheeran!!! 7y
nluev I‘ve seen a lot of fan art and official artwork so I kinda just mix those up in my head. There‘s one drawing that always gets stuck in my head though. It‘s the one where Kvothe has his arms crossed and says “Tell me you didn‘t ruin my good sheets” and Bast is running up to him with pieces of wood in his arms saying “Reshiii!!” So if anything, it‘s that image of Kvothe and Bast. (I also sometimes imagine Ezra Miller as Bast 😅) 7y
MinDea @nluev I have a decent picture of him now in his days at the inn/bar with abast, but not as a boy/teenager. I will have to look up some fan art! 7y
ghosthost I finally got the link to work! I picture him looking like this: https://www.flickr.com/photos/livvyowl/6714165405/in/album-72157628908289819/ 7y
readordierachel I can't really picture him either. But I do imagine that he's always wearing a vaguely smug expression. 7y
MinDea @ghosthost @AmyG @TricksyTails @callielafleur @nluev... adult vs younger version?!? 7y
DeborahSmall @MinDea @AmyG @callielafleur @ghosthost @TricksyTails @nluev don‘t laugh but as adult Kvothe I just picture Tormund from GoT; big and strong http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1970465/. As a 15 year old I think of a red headed Orlando Bloom. Mostly because of the illustrations in the book. He has high cheek bones and very slim .... 7y
TricksyTails @DeborahSmall @MinDea and I were just talking about Tormund!!! ♥️♥️♥️ Yes! I see it! 7y
MinDea @DeborahSmall I just said that to @TricksyTails that I picture Tormund as the inn keeper version of Kvothe and I just put a link (the second one) as the younger Kvothe. 7y
TricksyTails Travis Fimmel old, young, everything in between. 😂 7y
DeborahSmall @TricksyTails @MinDea that‘s the way I pictured him from the start!! Brilliant ❤️👍🏼 7y
MinDea Kvothe in his younger days https://goo.gl/images/bseoZB 7y
claffy_reads @MinDea well that's a very appealing picture to have in ones head... 😍😍😂😂 7y
MinDea Hahaha @callielafleur yes...it really is. It will make this book even MORE enjoyable. 😆😆😆😆 7y
MinDea Kvothe as the innkeeper https://goo.gl/images/nYoJFt 7y
TricksyTails 🙌 YES! Nailed it! Good picks!! 7y
tonyahoswalt @MinDea I love your pic for Kvothe as innkeeper 7y
MinDea How do you picture him @tonyahoswalt ? 7y
tonyahoswalt @MinDea ooh, I love the beard guy for the younger days, though I don't know if I can picture young Kvothe with a beard 7y
MinDea @tonyahoswalt I agree, maybe that guy with out a beard. If I knew his name I'd see if there were beardless photos of him...🤔 7y
MinDea His name is Gwilym Pugh if anyone would like to learn more... 😊 7y
tonyahoswalt @MinDea Hmm, I don't know that I could find a picture. Thin, his red hair a few inches long, handsome, it's all very generic. Let me look at some fan art and see if I can find something close. 7y
Suelizbeth I picture him as Gerard Butler, maybe with auburn hair. I don‘t really have a good image of him at university. 7y
tonyahoswalt @MinDea This is very close to what I imagine, maybe slightly shorter hair. I think I'd seen this at some point, and I imagine it now. https://img00.deviantart.net/0c38/i/2015/114/a/d/the_kingkiller_chronicle__kvoth... 7y
tonyahoswalt @MinDea I do like this too http://www.conorpdempsey.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/KvotheSketch4hairfaceeye... 7y
MinDea @tonyahoswalt those are both really good!!! 7y
MinDea @Suelizbeth interesting. Favorite Gerard Butler movie: How to Train Your Dragon! 😊 7y
MinDea *Interesting! 7y
ghosthost I meant the younger Kvothe. He‘d be thinner with a bit less stubble though. I like your choice for Kvothe as innkeeper. I was picturing innkeeper Kvothe looking more like Eddie Redmayne. 7y
MinDea @ghosthost I 💗 Eddie Redmayne! 7y
ghosthost @DeborahSmall That‘s exactly what I was picturing for young Kvothe when I looked for a photo - a redhead that looks a bit like Orlando Bloom did when he was younger. 7y
jfalkens I mostly picture him as being very cocky and having a sh*t eating grin from getting away with so much sass. I picture his hair as being very red (almost like the page ends on the anniversary edition) and shaggier, dark eyes, thin with sharp features(from his time between his parents death and university). I do like the pictures everyone linked, they all look amazing! 7y
tonyahoswalt @MinDea @ghosthost I was actually thinking about a young Eddie Redmayne for University Kvothe! 7y
AmyG @MinDea I have a huge crush on Viggo Mortensen. So every adult fantasy book main character, in my mind, looks like him. @tonyahoswalt Yes...that‘s a wonderful young Kvothe....the illustration. (edited) 7y
MinDea @AmyG I told @TricksyTails I pictured Tormund and Aragorn's love child as Kvothe! 😆😆😆 7y
TricksyTails 😂 Does anyone know a whiz at CG? Can we get an image of Tormund and Viggo‘s love child STAT?! 7y
AmyG @MinDea Ha! Tormund/Aragorn. Perfect. 7y
MinDea @TricksyTails https://goo.gl/images/LdY1u8. ???? 7y
BethM Picture innkeeper Kvothe similar to @MinDea picture although now I can't get the love child out of my head and it will probably be that with more Viggo from now on... 🔥university kvothe I don't have a great shot of but I agree something between @ghosthost and @MinDea . But with a grittier edge. He's a gritty, bad boy in my head. 7y