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Gourmet Rhapsody | Muriel Barbery
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Who could be bigger #championsofredwine more than gourmet food critics?

I‘ll be honest, this one did nothing for me compared to The Elegance of the Hedgehog. My expectations were sky high and that led to disappointment.


Adventures-of-a-French-Reader I think just the same. This book was a huge disappointment for me too. 6y
saresmoore Ha! I just picked this up in a Little Free Library today. I guess it didn‘t meet the expectations of whoever donated it, either. 6y
Cinfhen So weird....I saw your post earlier today @saresmoore and thought I‘d want to try this book but now I‘m removing the thought entirely 😂😂 6y
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saresmoore @Cinfhen Right?! I don‘t blame you! 😅 6y
Reviewsbylola It‘s not a bad book, but it‘s no Hedgehog! @saresmoore @Cinfhen 6y
Mdargusch 🍷🍷🍷 6y
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My Name Is Red | Orhan Pamuk
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#championsofredwine #TimbitTunes @TheKidUpstairs @Cinfhen
Enjoying a Cabernet on this Friday evening and gazing at a relevant vintage from my TBR shelf, which I will definitely be uncorking at some point in 2019.
And in music news, The New Pornographers are such a great band: so so many good songs. I'll drink to them! 🍷 (but avoid a *slow descent into alcoholism* 😉).

DivineDiana Wise decision. 😉 Also on my #TBR. One day! 🙂 6y
Leftcoastzen This is in my TBR stash as well!😃 6y
batsy "My slow descent / Into alcoholism it went / Something like this" ? Love The New Pornographers! And this book! And wine ? 6y
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Billypar @DivineDiana @Leftcoastzen It's one I've had on my list for so long but only recently picked up a copy. Hopefully it's worth the wait ☺️🤞 6y
Billypar @batsy And now I've got MSDIA stuck in my head 🎶😁🎶 One of the many great parts of Litsy is being able to pack so much good stuff into one post! 6y
Cinfhen Love everything about this post and all the comments too!!! 6y
Cathythoughts Great picture ♥️👍🏻 6y
Billypar @Cinfhen @Cathythoughts Thanks ☺️ I do like books+wine+music as a combo. 6y
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A Game of Thrones | George R. R. Martin
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“I have a realistic grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses. My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind…and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That‘s why I read so much, Jon Snow.”

#TimbitTunes | 15: #ChampionsOfRedWine

📷: Made with PhotoGrid & iPhone

BookNerd9906 ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
wildwoodreads I love this. I have a beer mug with that quote on it! 6y
Cinfhen 🥳🥳🥳 6y
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People of the Book | Geraldine Brooks
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Rare-book restorer Hanna turns to one of the #championsofredwine , Raz to analyse the wine stains in the Sarajevo Haggadah, leading to a surprising discovery, one of many from remnants left within the book. #timbittunes @Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs

This was my first #lmpbc book, and I found it quite fascinating. What do you reckon @ShookBelf @Christine11 @jhod ? Anyone fancy another round after this one?

jhod Very happy to! 6y
ShookBelf You bet! I still haven't started @Christine11 choice though. Must get a wriggle on. 6y
jhod Me neither! 6y
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Cinfhen Loved this book!!!! I think I might want a reread!! 6y
Christine11 @jhod @ShookBelf @RachelO I‘d love to do another round after this one - it‘s always really fun! 😊💛 6y
TheKidUpstairs I just read this one for #NewYearWhoDis and loved it! 6y
rockpools @Christine11 @jhod @shookbelf Yay! I only started mine today - wasn‘t expecting it to be my thing, but I‘m loving it! 6y
rockpools @Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs It had so much in it! I‘m looking forward to reading more by her. 6y
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TheKidUpstairs I love everything about this. 6y
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Cathythoughts Sign me up too 👍🏻♥️🍷 6y
thegreensofa Me too!!! ✨🍷✨❤️❤️❤️🙋🏼‍♀️ 6y
TheKidUpstairs If it can be a white wine diet, I'm in! 6y
Eggs @TheKidUpstairs Agreed 🍷🤗🍷 6y
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Sideways: A Novel | Rex Pickett
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Cinfhen This looks fun 6y
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Day 15 - #championsofredwine #timbittunes

We are champions of red wine, poured all over
It's what we're known for, find arms crossed lines
Crossed for old times, like starting over
Open up the headlamps, be poised to look for
You're coming over, you've done your research
It has the force of water, and we've got a lot here
The steps I take, back to you
The steps I take, back to you
I think we could save lives, if we don't spend them

Cinfhen Congrats for finding this song!!! 6y
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Because adults need fun board books too! #ChampionsOfRedWine #TimbitTunes

Cinfhen That looks adorable 👍🏻❤️🍷and I totally WANT IT 6y
Lcsmcat Fun! 6y
TheKidUpstairs Love it! 6y
JackOBotts That‘s awesome! 🍷 6y
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