#currentlyreading for a book club tomorrow. If I can get it finished in time anyway. Also dinner.
#sushi #bringmeback #baparis #thriller #bookclub
#currentlyreading for a book club tomorrow. If I can get it finished in time anyway. Also dinner.
#sushi #bringmeback #baparis #thriller #bookclub
2/5 - I have to be honest - I didn‘t really enjoy this one! I have to give props that I was able to finish it in only one day, but that‘s about it. I disliked the characters, I disliked the plot, and I really disliked the ending. Ugh, I‘m moody about it, but I think it‘s because I really liked The Breakdown (by the same author), but this was just ughhhhhh. Not for me.
#jpbookreview #thegreeneyedreader #bringmeback #baparis #2stars
My #tbr for this season‘s @24in48 #24in48readathon 📚📚📚I won‘t be able to read all of them, just keeping my options open. #atorchagainstthenight #areaperatthegates #thelasttimeilied #bringmeback #thewidow #rebelofthesands #thewomaninthewindow #underthebannerofheaven #theressomeoneinsideyourhouse
WHAAAAAAAAA?! She‘s snapped, officially. She has lost her bloody damned mind!!!
#baparis #bringmeback #snapped
Keeping track of the clues, etc from this book in my reading journal. This is what I‘ve got so far on this character.
(Promised not to spoil anything so I‘ve crossed our the other three bullet points.)
#baparis #bringmeback #whodoneit #noonedidit #layla
What did you do, Finn?!
#baparis #bringmeback #whodoneit #whatdidyoudo #finn
#baparis #bringmeback #whodoneit #finn #whatdidyoudo #finndoneit #mystery