Today's meme category was me irl. I have no clue to to pronounce a lot of names and names of places especially in fantasy books when it is all made up!
Today's meme category was me irl. I have no clue to to pronounce a lot of names and names of places especially in fantasy books when it is all made up!
My final entry for @SumisBooks #BookMemeWars challenge! Friday‘s theme is “Me IRL” and this is 100% accurate. The hubby helped me narrow down my choices for today‘s meme and when I showed him this he laughed and said, “That one, that one hands down.” 😅
It‘s not uncommon for me to verbally rate expenses in how many books it would equal out to if I spent it on them instead. “Four dollars?! I could get two books for that at the used book store!”
My Thursday entry for @SumisBooks #BookMemeWars. Thursday‘s theme is quotes. This was probably the hardest one to choose. I had a lot of good ones saved up, it was tough to pick just one. 😅
Wednesday meme cartegory is cartoons.
This is so me, I get a thrill out of getting, shopping and finding books.
My Wednesday entry for @SumisBooks #BookMemeWars contest! Wednesday is cartoons. I had to whittle down a lot of choices for today‘s pick!
This one fits in with what I‘m currently reading though, so it wins. 😅
Tuesday's #BookMemeWars, topic was book stacks.
@sumisbooks Post a meme about book stacks to play along today.
My Tuesday entry for @SumisBooks #BookMemeWars contest. Today‘s theme is book stacks.
I hope more people join up, I love seeing new fun memes!
Taking part in @SumisBooks week of meme fun! Here is poetry for Monday. It made me snort.😉 #BookMemeWars