Chapter 29 - and my inklings about Lady Dedlock are confirmed! #bleakhouse #whatthedickens
Chapter 29 - and my inklings about Lady Dedlock are confirmed! #bleakhouse #whatthedickens
Happy Birthday to Charles Dickens 📚🎂🎉🎊🎈
#HaopyBirthday #CharlesDickens #AChristmasCarol #OliverTwist #GreatExpectations #DavidCopperfield #HardTimes #BleakHouse #ThePickwickPapers #book #books #bookgeek #bookgeeks #bookgeeky #bookgang #bookgasm #geek #geeks #geeky #boolhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookheaven #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #Classics #Fiction #HistoricalFiction 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Had to read Bleak House in college and it slowly (because it‘s a monster and took a long time to read) became one of my favorites (and I don‘t know that I could really tell you why).
#bleakhouse #dickens #day53 #bookquote #bookstagram #bookworm #mondaymornings #fog #london #england #britishauthors
Andrew Davies on #BleakHouse 😳🤭😂 #DickensianDecember @jenniferw88
"I feel that monsters are here in our world to help us understand it. They are an essential part of a fable.” ―Guillermo del Toro ???.
• I had to include our mutual love of the Hat Box Ghost & the Haunted Mansion with my awesome GDT book! .
#guillermodeltoro #athomewithmonsters #hatboxfunko #disnerd #horrorhound #bleakhouse #hatboxghost #hauntedmansion #horrornerd #horrorfam #bookandfunko #ghosthost #bookish #bookdragon #bibliophile